New Grower BlackCanna..OrganicEXPERIMENTS(newbladehere) click,click

For some unkown reasson i can post a picture from my the buds are drying i cleared al the budrot from them and now its just waiting for 10-13 days i hope they dont dry faster than that :D
Dammit so i harvested all the plants rhat were outdoor had some mold and shit dammit :/ i dont know why but i camt post any pictures ill keep the next jurnal more up to date and more precise sory lads sew u in a week or two :/
Still cant get the pictures up and my computer died again...srsly just a little bad luck im teribly sory dammmiit... :/
Okey so shit went south just a little bit got 1 or 2 nugs rotted on each plant on the outside but no panic i harvsted them all including the ladyinside, but aince my computer is kinda down i and tapatalk doesnt let me post pics i cant to a photo update... :/ they are all hanging nicely and are almoast ready for the cure process I got a 10pack of bovedas to to keep the humidity on 62% :D i hope i can get a cam and my computer fixed till i start my next just pissed i cant keep u posted here dammit -.-
Ohh and i forgot can someone tell me is it better to buy a digital dehumidifier or a analog one since im planing on buying an portable AC in some time just curious is it worth the extra 100$ or not... :D