Its a double solution the pallet for watering so the pota have nice airflow and for the looks of the backyard yeah he is the best i just love the Critical Kush its so fucking great to grow and very forgiving you can go woth almost no nute or u can load her to the max and i know the unknown is a female i sexed her excedentaly ver bushy and strong ill keep u posted this jurnal finishes as harvest the last outdoor plant,again awesome to have u and all the others along the ride its nice seeing people following your work and share positive thoughts or critics im open for everything cleaned the inside branches from both one screen is finished gota do one tomorrow and ill add some pics tomorrow while im at it blaze it up ling day behind meYour Welcome on the rep you deserve it. From what I have seen you are doing a great job.You are lucky to have a really cool Grandpa there. The unknown genetics can be fun. I heard the critical Kush is a good strong Indica strain. It should do well for you. The pleasure is mine,looking forward to it. I like the pallet idea to keep them off the ground or for watering possibly? Peace bro!
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