New Grower BlackCanna..OrganicEXPERIMENTS(newbladehere) click,click

Oh, yeah. This is the one to play with! I have mine all tied down on her cannage bed. ;)


I also cloned mine and the clone is just as crazy...


Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
Hehehehe wooow maybe ill take some clones to :D veg them and then bam another harvest in the begining of the winter :D shes a beauty btw :) how old? :)

Poslano z mojega LG-H815 z uporabo Tapatalk
Hehehehe wooow maybe ill take some clones to :D veg them and then bam another harvest in the begining of the winter :D shes a beauty btw :) how old? :)

Poslano z mojega LG-H815 z uporabo Tapatalk
The seed was dropped around March 25th, I don't have the exact date. She's very hardy, I'd recommend taking cuttings as she goes, up to when she starts flowering. That way you can have a few harvests. :)

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
Yup, you want to wait until they're no longer standing. A couple will pop up here and there, but they'll be mostly gone. :)

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
Ill keep u posted since i dont have a microskope:D trying to learn it the old school way :)

Poslano z mojega LG-H815 z uporabo Tapatalk
The seed was dropped around March 25th, I don't have the exact date. She's very hardy, I'd recommend taking cuttings as she goes, up to when she starts flowering. That way you can have a few harvests. :)

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
Hmmm so i could take lets say 30 clones i expect 6 do die on my :D so that can lead me then to 3x8 clones and i can hafe a perpetual grow actuly if i got it right :D could be a fun ride :D

Poslano z mojega LG-H815 z uporabo Tapatalk
Ill keep u posted since i dont have a microskope:D trying to learn it the old school way :)

Poslano z mojega LG-H815 z uporabo Tapatalk
She will talk with you and let you know when she's ready. You'll think about cutting her and decide to wait. Then you'll see her next and think you're glad you waited because she looks even better now. It's like having a fruit tree, you look at the fruits and they look ok, but you come back in a few days and the fruits look and smell even better. ;)

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
Hmmm so i could take lets say 30 clones i expect 6 do die on my :D so that can lead me then to 3x8 clones and i can hafe a perpetual grow actuly if i got it right :D could be a fun ride :D

Poslano z mojega LG-H815 z uporabo Tapatalk
Yup, that's what I had in mind. But I was told you want to start over after about 6 generations. That's what appeals to me on photo plants, you can't do that with autos.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
Since shee will be gtowing out that wont be a problem :D i might even let the all the clones go along with her in some 8-15L pots heheh :D

Poslano z mojega LG-H815 z uporabo Tapatalk
Ohhh and its super soil mixing daaaay yiiikeees:D maybe ill make a video but it would take to long...

Poslano z mojega LG-H815 z uporabo Tapatalk
She will talk with you and let you know when she's ready. You'll think about cutting her and decide to wait. Then you'll see her next and think you're glad you waited because she looks even better now. It's like having a fruit tree, you look at the fruits and they look ok, but you come back in a few days and the fruits look and smell even better. ;)

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
Amen to this!:) thanks witchy gona let her go over 70:D

Poslano z mojega LG-H815 z uporabo Tapatalk