Lighting Black Dragon & Stone Dragon Test Grow #2

wow si! beautiful sd girl's :dance:i hope my sd comes out at least close to your's!:bow:sticky goodness!:drool: funny thing about the brown spots you were talking about, i dosed two girl's with (by accident) three time's the reccomended dose of cal/mag, twice during transition to flowering nute's and the result's were the same brown spot's:shrug:so now i am confused! i went back to the smaller doses, and thing's are better.i guess you get the same thing with under dose or overdose?:shrug: btw...:slap: for getting my drool on!:drool::buds:
Impressive Si, you tamed them Dragons good!

Stunted Trainer
Thankyou very much Stunted:dance::dance:
wow si! beautiful sd girl's :dance:i hope my sd comes out at least close to your's!:bow:sticky goodness!:drool: funny thing about the brown spots you were talking about, i dosed two girl's with (by accident) three time's the reccomended dose of cal/mag, twice during transition to flowering nute's and the result's were the same brown spot's:shrug:so now i am confused! i went back to the smaller doses, and thing's are better.i guess you get the same thing with under dose or overdose?:shrug: btw...:slap: for getting my drool on!:drool::buds:
cheers for stopping by Astro :thumbs: As for the Calmag its strange as when i gave my girls it the brown spots stopped spreading lol like you said its strange :thumbs:
This is a written update as i need to go fetch a camara from my parents house as mine is goosed..

The growth on all of the Dragons had slowed ryt down there has been no new pistil on the SDs or the shorter BD im around 10 and a half weeks so i will be planning on taking the SDs in the next few days then the bushy BD 4-5 days after then the tall BD..
The catalyx has swallon on all girls the taller BD has purple ones. they all smell extreamly nice altho the bushy BD has a lemon smell to it??? I checked the trichomes and nearly all 4 girls have mainly cloudy with a lot of amber id say around 70%cloudy 30%amber
1st Dragon Harvest

So today is day 70 so i plan to take 1 girl every 4 days i started today with a stone dragon out of the two i had the one i took had no new bud growth and is mainly cloudy with some amber....
The smell off this girl is very strong and the buds extreamly hard.. I was realy amazed when i took the wet weight as there were 2 in a 4L Pot the wet weight was 141.4g so that should give me around 1OZ dry so if i get the same off the other girl ill be more than happy :D:D:dance::dance:

Heres some shots for you to enjoy

DSCN0140.jpgDSCN0158.jpgDSCN0157.jpgDSCN0156.jpgDSCN0155.jpgDSCN0154.jpgDSCN0153.jpgDSCN0148.jpgDSCN0147.jpgDSCN0146.jpgDSCN0144.jpgDSCN0143.jpgDSCN0145.jpgDSCN0141.jpgThe one that is left growingDSCN0152.jpgDSCN0151.jpgDSCN0149.jpgDSCN0150.jpg
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Very nice Si, they are some very fine looking buds, nice and frosty too :smokeit:
Well grown my friend!

Stunted Harvesting