Lighting Black Dragon & Stone Dragon Test Grow #2

variety is the spice of life they say - i bet youre enjoying yours.
:slap: for the stash my brother :smokebuds:
trust me to catch up late i not been about for a while nice harvest Grown like a dragon tamer :group:
They say "better late than never" and thankyou for ur comments :thumbs:

Yeeeaaaaaa buddy SI! Sit tight ill be right over! Lol. Looks badass bro!
LMAO cheers bro:smokebuds:
variety is the spice of life they say - i bet youre enjoying yours.
:slap: for the stash my brother :smokebuds:
I take a little time deciding what to smoke lol :group::group:

:slap:good grow bud.....
Thankyou Auto:D
some shots of my Dragon Buds

With out me saying what bud is what see how many of you can guess which is which out these pics :D:D

With out me saying what bud is what see how many of you can guess which is which out these pics :D:D

Nope...:smokebuds:...can't Think when you got that strange Colouredy bud at it something in the Family.....canna is supposed to be White isn't it...?


When do we get to the Blind Taste Test round...
# 1...7...8..9..and Maybe #4 too...BlackDragon...?...

#1...2...3...8...9...10 all BD white and red pheno and #4...5...6...7all stone Dragon red and white pheno

Out of them all the BD smell more like a fuel out smell the rest and the red pheno is very dense and the white very light IMO :thumbs:

SD red and white are both equaly dense also IMO:dance: