Lighting Black Dragon & Stone Dragon Test Grow #2

Massive canna porn update tonight

Going to take a shed load of pics in the next 2hrs so let me know what you guys think they all look greasy but the bushy BD seems to be lacking something but not sure what?? The LED Has been lower to 12 inch and they seem to be taking to it great one BD has some slight bleaching but that was from a week or so ago.. Also had some drama in the tent.... I was walking past the girls when i heard a high pitch squealing i was like WTF so i went to look as i poked my head in the tent :poof::poof: Goes my clip on fan arrgghh so still no fan in there but temps are at 27c humidity at 50% so no worries yet getting a new fan a.s.a.p.

Also i have started some new beans in my tent Berry Ryder and Ghaze Xc99 Xc99 They are under a 300w CFL and thats where they will stay till my pineapple comes in in a few weeks.. Back at you later guys :thumbs:

Black Dragon
bd (1).jpgbd (12).jpgbd (11).jpgbd (10).jpgbd (9).jpgbd (8).jpgbd (7).jpgbd (6).jpgbd (5).jpgbd (4).jpgbd (3).jpgbd (2).jpgDSCN1179.jpg

Stone Dragons
sd (1).jpgsd (2).jpgsd (3).jpgsd (4).jpgsd (5).jpgSd (6).jpgSd (7).jpg

Group Shots
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Those leaves are so shiny Si I had to slap you mate. Looks like both the BD and SD will be heavy yielders :smokebuds:
:drool:wow dude awesome ladies ya got there, how long you think you got left 2+? and congrat on the little srpouts im subbed for the rest of this one :smokebuds::peace:
Looks fantastic si!! I think everyones getting Dragon envy and afraid to click since you cant get them anywhere lol. :D

black dragon is starting to show its beauty bro!

i saw some stoned dragon grow with the purple as well -- all dragons have the purple colors right?! (but some are more dominant?)

hoping to get some of this ladies a try sometime.