Lighting Black Dragon & Stone Dragon Test Grow #2

Dude you not only have a green thumb but you're green as a whole. There's a green aura about you. okay but seriously.. Those dragons are looking great! Great color and healthy growth! Passionate growing skills right there. Alright enough ass kissing I'm too high.. lol props on the upgrades! That's a badass tent! Pullin up a seat on this one... sorry if my drool and 'other' bodily fluids get everywhere. fapfapfap

:bone::bone::rofl: thanks for stopping by always a pleasure to please others ive got the paper towels out for the fluids lmao :peace: Si
Just a litte update took the girls out again today do some leaf tucking and water and i noticed 1 of the SDs has some nice colour inside yummm
caught back up bro. very very nice looking plants:clap:

Cheers dude and thanks for stopping by again merry christmasand happy new year just in case i dont speak till after then.. Oh ill be on BO2 tomorrrow night :amazon::ama:
Day 43 Pics

I have given them all a good dose of Calmag Today as thats what i think they need but all comments are welcomed :thumbs:

Black Dragons


Stone Dragons


Group Shots

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What do you guys think about the deficiancy?? Cal, mag or N?