Nutrients Biotabs, Mephisto Grape Crinkle, Cobs, 315 CMH, Coco

I gave all the Gorillas a little boost of organic magnesium today as they looked like they needed it with red petioles etc.

1/5 of a scoop of Plant Magic Old Timer Organic Magnesium in 2 litres of water.

I also tied out the Gorillagasm to try and get some extra shoots growing up.



Poop photo but basically it’s just the classic spread to the corners type tie down [emoji23]
I gave all the Gorillas a little boost of organic magnesium today as they looked like they needed it with red petioles etc.
Just curious, is this (adding magnesium) something that you've done much in the past? It is particular to the BioTabs grow environment, or more an issue of this particular strain? Thanks.
I gave all the Gorillas a little boost of organic magnesium today as they looked like they needed it with red petioles etc.

1/5 of a scoop of Plant Magic Old Timer Organic Magnesium in 2 litres of water.

I also tied out the Gorillagasm to try and get some extra shoots growing up.



Poop photo but basically it’s just the classic spread to the corners type tie down [emoji23]
My C.A kinda a huge calmag hog too, even at 5ml per gal you still seeing some of that... no biggy!:shrug::d5:
Just curious, is this (adding magnesium) something that you've done much in the past? It is particular to the BioTabs grow environment, or more an issue of this particular strain? Thanks.

I think it’s particular to my cack-handed “environment” to be honest mate. These plants haven’t been treated as well as they could have been. Not strain dependant as two strains in there and all are showing the same red petioles.

I definitely wouldn’t say it’s particular to the Biotabs grow environment. I have done a few successful Biotabs grows and used no calcium or magnesium at all without any bad effect. And that’s in coco under cobs.

I use plain unfiltered tap water that is very high in calcium so that explains the lack of need for cal. But I need to watch the magnesium as the ratio is out in my water.

I have added some Epsom salts to the coco mix on some grows but not this one as they were started using chem nutes.

Man I hope that long old rant helps! [emoji23]
My C.A kinda a huge calmag hog too, even at 5ml per gal you still seeing some of that... no biggy!:shrug::d5:

Yeah I don’t let these things worry me any more buddy. She’ll find what she needs in the coco eventually [emoji106]

I reserve all my anxiety for the photoperiods I defoliated at 39/40 days into flower! [emoji23]
Thanks. That does help, as I'm still noob-enough to not yet know the difference of when/whether its cal or mg that is needed. But since I've often used coco, and always high-intensity Led/cobs, I usually run into some challenges and now always supplement low-nitrogen cal-mag in my chemical nutrient grows. For my Biotab grows, I don't want to do that, hence I've been trying to follow some of their guidance -- some dolomite in my 2nd BT grow and lately Silicum Flash in my 3rd BT grow.

I installed an RO system prior to starting my growing, so I basically have a "blank slate" when it comes to the water source.
Thanks. That does help, as I'm still noob-enough to not yet know the difference of when/whether its cal or mg that is needed. But since I've often used coco, and always high-intensity Led/cobs, I usually run into some challenges and now always supplement low-nitrogen cal-mag in my chemical nutrient grows. For my Biotab grows, I don't want to do that, hence I've been trying to follow some of their guidance -- some dolomite in my 2nd BT grow and lately Silicum Flash in my 3rd BT grow.

I installed an RO system prior to starting my growing, so I basically have a "blank slate" when it comes to the water source.

Yeah I have used dolomite lime too. Not used the Silicum Flash yet but give me about 3 or 4 weeks and that will change as I have a big bottle now.

God yeah if you’re using RO then you’ve got to be right on top of it at all times in coco!

Good luck buddy.