Biobizz nutrient users

Not a big fish fan but if it grew happier plants id make the sacrifice. You guys go with the theory of not ph'ing your feeds with biobizz
If you can pH, I def would mate, until you get it all dialled in. Why guess?!
Yea i have been so far. I think i read somewhere that biobizz say its not needed. Although your right why guess!
Reason i ask is because i think i made a big mistake during my current grow in that my ph up is Potassium hydroxide based(never needed anyway) and my ph down is orthophosphoric acid based which maybe harms the micro activity in my soil. Any recommendations on more organic based ph products?
Yea i have been so far. I think i read somewhere that biobizz say its not needed. Although your right why guess!
Reason i ask is because i think i made a big mistake during my current grow in that my ph up is Potassium hydroxide based(never needed anyway) and my ph down is orthophosphoric acid based which maybe harms the micro activity in my soil. Any recommendations on more organic based ph products?

Vinegar is alright for pH down, I guess. I've always had to combat acidic pH so I've never had to use pH down so no first hand experience there.

I've used baking soda and wood ash for pH up, though. Wood ash is really strong but also high in potassium which can lead to a world of trouble if used in excess. Baking soda is alright but the sodium in it is pretty bad for the plants, or so I've heard. I'd probably alternate between the two if I had to up the pH constantly.
Im pretty lucky in that my tap water having sat out 24 hours is usually around 8 so after i add some nutes it ends up around the 6.5-6.7 mark but thats only after a couple weeks when nutes get heavier
I would add your nutes and use them bro, not sure about keeping organic nutes mixed. I use rain water, which is about 6.9pH. Do you have an airstone and pump? Works wonders for organics, if you are using any chem pH up/down will kill the stuff you are trying to encourage in the first place. Bubbling water for 24hrs or more always raises the pH, to drop you can as WW said use vinegar, I used to use lemons but tbh, a good active organic medium will buffer the pH. If your solution after adding the biobizz stuff is 6.5 - 6.7, that's pretty much on the money. Try adding some powdered Dolomite lime to your soil, a great source of Ca/Mg and helps keep your pH in check. If you hit 7 AFTER adding nutes, you shouldn't see a problem.
Great advice again dazed. Yea i feed straight after mixing nutes. I meant a couple weeks into the grow when the amount of nutes i use get heavier it brings the ph down to that sweet spot.
Just need to ph adjust for those first couple of weeks with no or very light feedings and any plain water feedings in between.
Heard great things about bubbling your water, next buy will be a small air pump and stone set. Any recommendations? Cheers :Sharing One:
I got a super cheapo aquarium pump and stone from a pet store, not a good move really, need something bigger but it does the job for small amounts of water/tea. I'm looking for a bigger one right now actually. Yeah def wouldn't be using the ph up/down chems, they don't do your microbes any favours, I use straight drops from a lemon to bring mine down when I used Biobizz stuff, worked great. I think the bubbling of the water really helps the root zone.
Yea i havent touched my chemical ph up or down this grow. Been using vinegar so far, seems to be doing ok so far. I'll post on here if it has any negative effects