Biobizz nutrient users


Cultivators Club
Jan 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hey guys going to start my 2nd grow soon and im sticking with biobizz nutes, previously used grow, bloom and topmax, this time ive also got alg a mic bio heaven and root juice to play with.

Found this schedule by duck commander on the biobizz thread


Seems like a decent schedule i'll also use root juice for the first few weeks and probably wouldnt feed as early as day 4, any opinions or advice welcome. :thank:

This is good bro, just ignore the veg phase
Hey guys going to start my 2nd grow soon and im sticking with biobizz nutes, previously used grow, bloom and topmax, this time ive also got alg a mic bio heaven and root juice to play with.

Found this schedule by duck commander on the biobizz thread


Seems like a decent schedule i'll also use root juice for the first few weeks and probably wouldnt feed as early as day 4, any opinions or advice welcome. :thank:

Yes. Subbed as an active BB user!

I agree, we need to think about updating DC's schedule and apart from root juice, I also will not feed until Day 14. I see Biobizz nutes pop up all over the forum, so there should be interest? :)


Cheers dazed, pity biobizz wouldn't make a schedule for autos the market is definitely changing.

Yea mikey this schedule is a couple years old now, hopefully other bb users chip in with some new ideas. I know afn has loads of bb users
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This is good bro, just ignore the veg phase

I personally, think this schedule is out of date with todays genetic's and it doesn't fully show my love of Fish-Mix! The flowering schedule is great! Maybe, we can confirm it, if we keep good logs?

:Gary::Sharing One:


Sounds like a great idea, do you use fish mix instead of grow or a bit of both mate, would like to try the fish mix myself
Sounds like a great idea, do you use fish mix instead of grow or a bit of both mate, would like to try the fish mix myself

You need a strong and I MEAN strong?................................... love of smelly fish, otherwise it's great! Best pick me up in the world (my world!?) as far as I'm concerned for an ailing plant. It's versatile too, APART FROM THE SMELL.

Hi Sanguine' great thread,

Interestingly biobizz took down there nute schedule from their web site, i e-mailed them for it and asked if they could offer any advice for auto-plants, they replied that due to changes in Dutch law they were no longer able to offer advice for the growing of cannabis and that if i returned an e-mail asking for general plant advice they would send me the schedule which you have on this thread,
I only used root juice till day 14, and alg/mic for the next 7 days will be interesting to see how other growers use these products, if you search for threads by hazy he used fish mix with amazing results.
Thanks for the DC schedule mate! I've been looking for it like crazy. If there's one thing I suck at it's feeding plants (even managed a nute burn with BioBizz :p) so I need all the help I can get.
If you look closely at the schedule it says that grow can be substituted for fish mix in veg. These schedules are a guide, I have seen many many awesome grows using this schedule, but as with everything its a 'guide', it needs dialling in. MikeyB's results speak for themselves so I would go with what he and other tried and tested growers say. I imagine using a combo of both grow/fmix would be the best, getting the best of everything-which is what I believe successful organics to be about.