Nutrients BioBizz Cal mag


Doctor of Fu*king up Grows!
Cultivators Club
Sep 27, 2016
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Currently Smoking
Moist basement shitty moldy albanian weed..
I was looking at maybe switching to organic growing with biobizz, but I grow under COBs and cal mag supp. is a must..My question is what do people use with biobizz for cal mag def??
i use biobizz soil and nutes and i use plant magic magne cal,not organic.
amending soil before grow with epsoms salts crushed eggshells,rockdust and who knows what else is the only way to be organic for cal mag perhaps.
I was looking at maybe switching to organic growing with biobizz, but I grow under COBs and cal mag supp. is a must..My question is what do people use with biobizz for cal mag def??
Alg a mic, and soil amendments. I don't use a cal/mg suppliment, the line up has enough
Is dolomitic lime a calcium and magnesium supplement? and a ph buffer?
Dolomite lime typically contains 22% calcium and 11% magnesium but from what ive read it can take anywhere from 4 - 6 weeks for them to break down into an absorbable form.
When it does break down it will raise the ph of your soil so only use it if your certain your soil is acidic
As Archie said, Epson salts and crushed egg shells. I mix the shells into soil and give 1tsp/ltr of Epson in feeding every second feed uppig this to 2 out of 3 feeds weeks 4 to 8.
That's said I grow under how and under COBs may require more.
Alg a mic, and soil amendments. I don't use a cal/mg suppliment, the line up has enough

I only have a problem with cal mag def if i use distilled or purchased water. I have 4 grows the first 3 ran def at times. All using biobizz line. Now i hit 1 ml cal/mag per liter starting wk 2 till flush. Maybe im wasting it but im also using filtered water cause my tap water tastes like shat where i just moved and my girls are too sweet for shat.