Trip was great lots of fishing, smoking bud and beach fun with the kids, and was a breath of fresh air to get back and see the girls looking so good after what i came back to last time round. Have had my head in the tent enough times since getting back to make up for it lol. So far so good but a way to go yet, but happy with things so far.
Well he is the AFN comedy king for a reason and well to be fair i ain't too often without me head in the tent lol, even if i have relaxed a bit over the last year a bit to much sometimes. Still time to feck it up yet but so far so good, except for ponytailing the girls with coarse pipe cleaners this morning, they did not like that to much looked like freddy kruger had a go at a couple of leaves but all good

Would not of had to have used them if the misses had not cleaned up and hidden the fecking softones