Extraction Bill does extraction Rick n Morty style.


Lazy Ass Weed Farmer.
Cultivators Club
Oct 7, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Ok, doing some extraction experimentation cause I found out I like edibles and I'm tired of coughing every time I wanna buzz........This is my 1st attempt using just a quart of 190 proof and 2.5 oz. of trim and larf. Instructions are all over the interweb under Green Dragon Method, very simple and easy but wasn't looking like it could get all that was available out of the plant material....Trim and larf buds decarbed at 245f for 45/50 min (just what I used, use your own decarb method). Loosely stuffed into a quart jar and poured in the alcohol......Sat in the freezer for 2 weeks, shaken every day...strained out the plant material and repeated with what was left...So a little over a month, 2.5 oz soaking. Used a small strainer from local grocery to remove plant material leaving a muddy green liquid needing further filtering. Very simple coffee filter method was used cause it was on hand. It takes a looooong time to drip through so patience is a virtue as well as a couple coffee filters. The results are a green tinted liquid that is perfect for testing using your preferred method (drops or ml). Start low, 1 or 2 drops / 1 or 2 ml, it's up to you. If it's too strong add a bit of alcohol, if it's too weak leave the top off to evaporate some of the alcohol off.
Testing commences tonight after trip to the store, I may be crazy but I ain't insane enough to be testing and driving.
For some odd reason laptop no longer recognizes my phone so I have to upload the pics seperately. Will get it sorted out sooner or later, maybe a new camera to use with laptop. A few people wanted tagged in when I do the soxhlet extraction so I figured I'd start off with the current process that I'm finishing up with...Figure within 2 weeks should have every thing sorted for that process. This one is by far the easiest and cheapest but I'm sure it's leaving some goodness behind. And now the tagging starts, lol. @WildBill @Mossy @arty zan @Mara Cachafa @DCLXVI @Mañ'O'Green @hairyman @mohawk warrior @cubfaninmo @420Forever @Jraven @Growtogrow @hecno @Dell boy @pop22 @MikaelAndréasSöderberg @EP3 @Kyote @AutoBobje @blue sure I'm missing a few.....more...
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you can shorten the process if you wish, by placing the jar of alcohol and weed in a double boiler. use a candy themometer and get the water in the top pan of the boiler up to about 160F ( it can be done by regulating the heat ). Let the alcohol get up to about 160F and stir it for about 10 minutes. Done! Hot alcohol extracts everything and quickly. Filter it and let it cool. I have a very small glass bowl I put 1-2 buds in it, fill it with alcohol and cook it. Gives me enough to fill a small dropper bottle. Lasts me a long time. I often use it by putting a drop ( which is plenty! ) in my coffee.
Yeah, I read up on the hot method as well.....but was real lazy the day I started it sooooo...lol...... OK, tonight's dosage is 1.5 ml in a cookie, same rum cake after taste that is easily dispelled, same slow build of good vibes with increased happiness factor. Last nights test took about 1.5 to 2 hrs for what I think was full effect. Could be wrong as It was just me thinking about how I felt every 15 or 20 min. and gauging it against previous thought.
Reasoning behind the dosing check is because I plan to make nerd ropes out of it by melting hariboo gummie bears and adding the tincture. Using the idea that the gummie rope will be no thicker than the gummie bear, I can just line up how many will make the length of the rope (8 or 9 inches) then multiply that number by how many ropes I'm making. Say making 5 ropes, each rope using 20 gumies to make 10 inches. If I want (X) effect per inch then I can calculate how many total ml. to add to the whole batch. So, 5 x 20= 100 gummies, add a few for whatever sticks to equipt. melt em in the microwave then add the tincture, mix quick and pour. Figuring a 1 inch bite to be a dose the tincture amount would 50 to 100 ml. for 1 to 2 ml. per inch........oooooo, stoner math..
Soxhlet extraction
Ok, been a while but I'm back to work. Flea bay bought, soxhlet extraction system...everything but the water pump (fishtail pump from local hardware), about 180 us total. Old cooler I had, some freezy packs from freezer and we are off.