Extraction Bill does extraction Rick n Morty style.

Yes! Neat!
I tried an alcohol tincture, but did not like the burn in my mouth. I now make my tincture with pressed rosin added to MCT oil after decarbing. The MCT tincture is a lot easier on the mouth, and using rosin allows me to make it whatever strength I want. The downside is the cost of a press, but being the cheap bugger I am, I made my own 12 ton press for less than $200 Cdn:
12T press.JPG

But I sure like your extractor. Had I known about those things, I might have gone in that direction rather than a press. I considered using my decarb oven to distill the goodies out of an alcohol extract, but decided to go solventless instead due to the distilling hazards.

Brilliant idea on the extractor!
I tried an alcohol tincture, but did not like the burn in my mouth. I now make my tincture with pressed rosin added to MCT oil after decarbing. The MCT tincture is a lot easier on the mouth, and using rosin allows me to make it whatever strength I want. The downside is the cost of a press, but being the cheap bugger I am, I made my own 12 ton press for less than $200 Cdn:
View attachment 1362786

But I sure like your extractor. Had I known about those things, I might have gone in that direction rather than a press. I considered using my decarb oven to distill the goodies out of an alcohol extract, but decided to go solventless instead due to the distilling hazards.

Brilliant idea on the extractor!
LOL, once a welder, always a welder...my eyes went straight to the filet in the welds....If I ever get around to straightening out all my shop stuff that is still sitting on trailer after move I might try knocking 1 together....got all the pieces except the heated plates....Nice set up there
@Bill.de.Cat - very impressive work with that extractor! This whole thread is really really interesting. I do hope you're careful with that ooze you made. Looks terrifyingly strong!
Actually, it doesn't seem to be...tried it last night, same 3/4 dropper full and it's a milder effect but still good enough to get me 6 hours of sleep.
LOL, once a welder, always a welder...my eyes went straight to the filet in the welds....If I ever get around to straightening out all my shop stuff that is still sitting on trailer after move I might try knocking 1 together....got all the pieces except the heated plates....Nice set up there
The heated plates are simple to make. Just order two pieces of aluminium stock the size you want, 4 pieces of 10 mm stainless steel heater cartridges and two REX-C100 digital thermostat temperature controllers with SSR output and a K-type thermocouple. A couple of bips and bobs like a power cord and a switch if you want to get fancy ;)
The heated plates are simple to make. Just order two pieces of aluminium stock the size you want, 4 pieces of 10 mm stainless steel heater cartridges and two REX-C100 digital thermostat temperature controllers with SSR output and a K-type thermocouple. A couple of bips and bobs like a power cord and a switch if you want to get fancy ;)
Beat me to it! IMO though, only one controller is needed. I run mine off one Inkbird PID with a relay, and it works perfectly. The aluminum plates are identical, the heaters are identical, and the temperatures will be close to identical, likely within the temperature band of separate controllers anyway. Methinks that two controllers has been just another marketing ploy, but once started, all suppliers were obliged to put two on their presses to compete.

Just theory mind. I'll work through it more carefully after getting in to a bit of that rosin... :biggrin:
Beat me to it! IMO though, only one controller is needed. I run mine off one Inkbird PID with a relay, and it works perfectly. The aluminum plates are identical, the heaters are identical, and the temperatures will be close to identical, likely within the temperature band of separate controllers anyway. Methinks that two controllers has been just another marketing ploy, but once started, all suppliers were obliged to put two on their presses to compete.

Just theory mind. I'll work through it more carefully after getting in to a bit of that rosin... :biggrin:
There is a temperature coefficient between the top and bottom plate. ie, The top plate will always need less energy then the bottom because of the heat radiating from the bottom plate that's why I opted for a dual PID. I also searched for a single device dual PID and they do exist, but are expensive. These are about 15$ a pop and that's with SSR and thermocouple. So call me an overachiever, but on some pressings it can come to a couple of degrees to get a good flow and then I'd like to be sure what the exact temp is on both plates so I can rinse and repeat. Talking about that, the next upgrade I'll do on my DIY press is a hydraulic jack with a manometer because now I'm thumbing it on the pressure.
If I was to wear a lab coat I'd be nekkid underneath it as it's too damn hot down here....Not too worried about any problems as I'm pretty security conscious about anything I do. Also have the Dr to back me up as to pain condition and that he's real glad I'm not taking him up on the oxy's since I found a way to manage it on my own and he's suggested I get a med card....factor in the age, the fact that I've had 1 speeding ticket in 45+ years with no other law problems and a myriad of other "upstanding citizen" attributes I could bring into a court if needed. And the fact that there are no restrictions in my state as far as the high test alcohol and no other chemicals are used the only charge that couldn't be beaten or dismissed is the fact I have weed....
.Hell, it was only a jok
No - I think making your lab. space "more official" is exactly the wrong thing to do! Much like having real chemical equipment setup in your home is seen by law enforcement as inherently drug-related (actually, a fairly reasonable assumption), a lab coat will be seen as just another sign (evidence) of organized drug manufacturing/conspiracy. If anything, when not in use, don't leave your distillation equipment set up, scatter lab. equipment around, don't store it all together in one spot, particularly not in a space clearly set up to do processing.

And keep in mind that some or many, including cannabis consumers, will view your home chemistry projects as wrong, even something that should be illegal and you prosecuted, clearly violating any local zoning or other safety regulations (not felonies), improper storage and handling of explosive/flammable materials, endangering yourself and your neighbors, etc. -- a hazard much the same as a neighbor 'cooking' crack or meth in their home.
New York's new law specifically prohibits extraction with flammable solvents EXCEPT for ethanol. So I wouldn't worry about it. And I spent 2 years in jail on bullshit meth lab charges, which were dropped. Because I obviously wasn't making meth. Chemistry is NOT a crime, don't let anyone intimidate you out of your rights. It's not like you're open blasting butane smoking a cigarette.