New Grower Beware of Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil

I am using a mix of the ocean forest and happy frog. I add perlite and dolomite....never checked the original ph
But, I'm at 6.5....bought at a store in Spokane, Wa. I'm going the check my additional bags.
I recently bought 4 bags of Fox Farms Ocean Forest. Opened the first bag and soil gnats flew out. Since I paid $18 a bag I used anyway. Now I have sticky traps full of these things. I went back to the store I bought it from and they said I am not the only person to have this happen. They gave me some Free sticky traps and tried to give me a $30 box of some pesticide (of which I do not believe in). Is anyone else having the gnats fly out of the bag? I guess i need to find a different soil. The PH was 6.5 right out of the bag by the way

My bag of Happy Frog was a PH of 5.4 and I had a huge fungus gnat problem with it. Once I used the bag I switched to BioBizz.

My bag of Happy Frog was a PH of 5.4 and I had a huge fungus gnat problem with it. Once I used the bag I switched to BioBizz.
The 2 extra bags I have will be going in the tomato garden next spring. Researching better options. Will see if anyone near me carries the biobizz.
I have 3 large trash cans full of composted mushroom soil and 10 20lb bags. I just went out the check ph. Got a 7.0 reading in the cans and the bags (bags are newer and still need to break down some as they are still chunky). I guess I can use it with some ph⬇️ I grow mushrooms and will have a stockpile in due time. If I have good results I can start selling it.
I have 2 bags of soil that are low 5's PH!!! how do i fix this? Please help me I beg you!!!!!! Thanks =]
Mix it with equal parts pure coco coir and a T or so of dolomite lime per gallon should sweeten and also lighten it right up.