Harvest & Curing Best way to dry and cure cannabis whilst not around to take care of it?

I'm not sure what to suggest mate.3 weeks is a long time to leave freshly cut bud unattended in jars,bags,boxes or just hung :shrug:
I'd stick it in paper bags with all the leaves still on (fans and all) and hope for the best lol.
There is a freezer cure for just such an emergency ...
3 weeks is definitely a long time:group: I probably wouldn't even enjoy my vacation, knowing I had fresh bud all by itself:joint:. Hey Billy, I moved this thread to the Harvesting/Curing section:thumbs:

Definitely let us know how it turns out:pimp:
Little update :) Went with the safe option and had someone else look after it for me. Thanks for the advice everyone :group: