Best organic way to kill this...leaf miners maybe?

...:toke: ..not sure what lime juice will do, but it's not a substitute for a wetting agent,.. you can use a mild soap, like castille, but avoid heavy duty dish detergents and the like, too powerful,... the wetting agent take the surface tension out of the solution, so when you spray, it coats and sticks more evenly, instead of just beading up,... start with about 1ml/L and test spray to see if it's just enough to not bead up much... this will emulsify the oils in the neem, and also help penetrate the thrips natural water repellency- :thumbsup:
Lime juice breaks up the oil but it seemed to me a lot would be needed to disperse it...will try to find some soap to use
Need to water in about 2-3 days so was thinking of adding 1 tbsp of neem oil per liter of water(1/3gal)...i guess i will need to add the soap to that or is that a bad idea?
... if it's mild like castille, it's ok,...true wetting agents are fine too,.. nothing with chemical detergents though... retreating with foliar sprays is a must! Thrips are very mobile, adults can fly, so you have a war, not a single battle, until you can clean out the space,....
Thanks, went and bought some organic dish detergent...gave them foliar yday and watered with 10ml of neem oil per gallon
Haven't seen grown ups since the first foliar, just a couple of larvas but i still see a couple of spots on new leaves so some are still alive...lucky they attacked early so i have some time to fight before flower, would hate to spray neem on flowers, it's not the nicest smell out there lol...figure i have a good 10 days of battle to get rid of them, foliar every 2 days and gonna water them ince more with neem just in case and we'll see how it goes
Thank you for your help, lets hope i win the war now have the upper hand now mate, just keep watching for the few stragglers, and you'll be fine!