New Grower Berry Bomb.... First time Grower... Ever!!

Jan 30, 2017
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Hey guys wuts up? Today I am posting a journal of my first grow ever. Well actually this is my first post of a forum of any kind so lets give it a shot! Bear with me as I am a Noob to everything here lol.

First off the strain I chose was to go with Berry bomb, from bomb seeds. I will give you the honest opinion on why I chose this specific strain... the picture looked cool.... lmao... i kno... that chances are it wont come out like that especially since this is the first grow but that was the reason.... i wont lie..

I know for sure that i will only be growing indoors so when I first had this idea I built a 3 plant DWC in a 55 gallon tote. I will post pics of it. I will use this along with 1 27 gallon tote with 2 plants for my first grow. And even thought I feel this would have gotten the job done, but after doing researchi have found that given my grow space (8'x6'x8') i have decided to change the plan and go ahead and go with a RDWC system to completely maximize my grow space after this grow.

Here is a list of materials I have gotten already:
  • DWC system in a 55 gallon tote with three 10 inch square net baskets cut out the top
  • 300gph submersible water pump
  • home build grow tent measuring 8'x8'x6' outside is lined with black sheeting and inside is lined all around with mylar
  • ecoplus 793 gph air pumps
  • six 4 in round airstone discs
  • ipower 1000w dimmable ballast hps and mh grow light kit
  • jump start germintion station
  • medium will be a mix of leca clay, perilite and coco coir
  • nutrients i have are: PH up+down kit, CALiMAGic, Dyna-GRO bloom and flower, rapid start root branching, and big bud fertilizer

Currently I have soaked the seeds for 24 hours in water in dark room covered and put them in Rapid Rooter cubes that i also had soaking overnight in the rapid start solution. I placed them under my 1000W HPS light dimmed at 50% and raised the light about 5 ft. currently the humidity is 60-70% and the temp is 75-80F.

I have no experience in this so please dont be too critical of my setup, but with that said... constructive criticism is definitely welcomed. I know there is tons of room for improvements so feel free to help me out. The tent itself isnt all the way set up (exhaust fan and air ducts have to be installed but for sure will be ready by the time they are ready to go in. Right now its a chilly 55 in my garage with no light on and 70 to 75 with it on.

Welcome aboard @Q-TiZzLe ! Subbing along for the ride! Good luck on your grow!
Thanks!! Appreciate it.. will keep this thing updated as much as possible... unfortunately phone broke so no pics for a lil bit ...

Update: I'm happy to say that the 5th one showed itself.. so as of right now I have 5/5 all alive hopefully it stays that way.. can anyone offer tips that I can do to help ensure my babies don't die?

Right now they have been in the rapid rooters for about 3 days, light cycle is 24/0 using my 1000W HPS bulb dimmed to 50% and about 4-5 feet above plants, current temp is mid 70s F and humidity is around 60 to 70% inside of the germ dome. currently watering with the same rapid start solution I pre soaked the rooters in before putting seeds in. If I missed any critical info that will ensure a healthy life for them please feel free to ask.
Welcome to afn and good luck. I have no dwc experience but plenty here do. @witchyhour is one of our resident guru's and grows monsters.

Looks like you are off to a great start!
Welcome to afn and good luck. I have no dwc experience but plenty here do. @witchyhour is one of our resident guru's and grows monsters.

Looks like you are off to a great start!
Thanks, Dude! That's very sweet of you to say. *hugs*

As it so happens, I have some Berry Bomb right now (almost all gone, though). [emoji121] [emoji16]


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Welcome to afn and good luck. I have no dwc experience but plenty here do. @witchyhour is one of our resident guru's and grows monsters.

Looks like you are off to a great start!
Thanks! I appreciate it. I am hoping that some of those guru's bless me with some words of wisdom. and even though you have no DWC experience i sure do bet you have tons of other knowledge about growing in general.... (ive seen some of your journals and they are for sure some of the better ones i enjoy reading) the words of encouragement is making me more motivated to make this thing work!
Ok, setup looks great, but be prepared to split the plants into separate containers if they get too big. You see, if a plant starts touching something, it will stop growing in that direction, so you really want to have a "no touching" rule for your plants.

Other than that, I think you're off to a great start! The light is great and very important. Might want to consider getting side lights as well.


Side lights are great because you can just aim them where you want that extra coverage. I usually clear the lower part of the plant and shine a light in through the bottom, you can see them in the picture.

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Thanks, Dude! That's very sweet of you to say. *hugs*

As it so happens, I have some Berry Bomb right now (almost all gone, though). [emoji121] [emoji16]


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whoa!! one of the gurus are here!! nice thanks dude!!! and @witchyhour man looks like your running out... i have soooo many questions about this strain but dont even know where to start lol... any dos or donts that i should do with this strain?