Indoor beer can grow... any suggestion on strains

Dec 7, 2014
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Well the title says it all but I'm coming to the end of my first grow (gonna chop at weekend) and already planned my second grow but I was liking the idea of hiding a couple of beer can autos in there just for kicks to see what I can get out of them.
I plan on using pint cans of stella as that's what I have in the house, not that I drink much tho lol
I really not fussed about what strain I grow I just want something that's gonna stay relatively slim and not too bushy, height isn't a problem but I don't want them to get too wide.
So come on guys give me your suggestions, obviously any advice on growing in cans much appreciated as I've never done one before but seems like I've got nothing to lose by trying a few

Make no bones about can grows are a lot of labor, they don't like being in such a small, unventilated container.
Root bind, frequent's basically a "life-support" effort from the middle of veg on.

If you're bound and determined, I might be of the opinion that using as big of a can as you can get away with would
be best....something like a Fosters.

And grow strains known to be small to begin with...might equate to less shock when it finds out what size container
it's dealing with....

It's fun as a novelty to attempt/accomplish but it's a lot of resources used for not much pay off.

My 2 cents.

A whopping 8 grams dry :) (albeit a 12oz. can)

towards the end of flower she was getting fed every 14-16 hours.

And this is what was happening in the soil....

Thanks for the info man
I didn't know that they were so much work involved but I like a challenge and seem to be in my tent all the time anyways lol my Stella cans are pretty much the biggest beer can i can find are 568 ml big and quite tall.
Do you think drilling tiny holes around the can will help with ventilation and drainage?
Also my main reason for trying this is that if I stick 2 cans in every grow I can try the different strains out there and maybe grow them in the full sized pot if I like them.
I'll put up a little journal when I do start them
Thanks for your input
Drilling holes will be necessary for drainage obviously, but side holes might work to limit root spiraling....

It will also allow drying to occur faster and up the frequency of feeding.

You are right, it is a good way to maximize variety in order to identify what you like
and would want to grow at full scale :)