I believe they are 3500K. I wanted to try the 6800 or 6500 K. ill get a cpl of those down the road. but these are the same COBs I think as my NGL quad frame.they are NICE COBs. and I got four more. wanna buy another 4 pack of another spectrum now. but need my tent first LOL
well sure bro. but hes most likely gonna tell you the same thing he did me. most ppl use the 3-4K spectrums with stellar results. But me personally I have had killer results(Not COBs however but high spectrum regardless) with a more veg 5-6K spectrum ime. so I was curious if that transfers to the COBs too. ill get another pack in time so ill have 8 total but ill get 5K or whatever or even the 6800K i think it is. should do well. a 5X9 tent gorilla and a trellis netting system up and wind bars for negative pressure to keep the tent more uniformly square . two set are roughly 150 USD for my tent size when I upgrade. so i think that set up would be uber awesome!!
That sounds great :headbang:. I was thinking in the same way, 5x9 gorilla tent, COBs, some type of ScrOG net and BioTabs + Autopots. Dream setup for personal use as far as I'm concerned :shooty::2cents:.
all seeds are up now. I have 6 total and planting my last cherry bomb. last run it was small but really good smoke. so we'll see if I can get her a touch bigger this go. but we'll see.

All looking great as usual Eyes! Do you do anything to facilitate the good secondary branching? Especially on the Hounds :thumbsup:
lite defoliation man. thats what I always do man. some more than others but if the pots big enough and the nodal spacing is deep enough I do more typically because there is more reason and spread for it.verses taking a bunch in a close tight bunch or tighter nodal spacing meaning you'd take much more of the leaves than is needed and can hinder the plant and effect yield over all.as well as size.

There was something I saw the day that I had thought about but didn't want to ask, lobe trimming. Damn, was really buzd and can't remember where. I thought it to be a good idea maybe, not taking the whole leaf to let light thru. Along with leaf tucking but trimming where tuck won't work?
i tuck and do some leaf removal but most its single and pairs of fingers or blades of the leaf. leaving much or just some but usually half or better. its really about reading your plant and areas and your lights. ppl can do this but I knew right off it was awesome but took me some time to hone it thoroughly too. not just a willy nilly thign to do. I see ppl ripping whole leaves and shit off and that cuts down on aggressive growth and yield. ill talk about it more when my other plants come of age to be plucked :)