well this is the second set of grows with the silicum flash and it seems to really help at previously mentioned strengths. will have to look at earlier posts or find notes LOL! but they look good and there is mild discoloration since Im keeping the COBs a little lower than I prolly should right now.20" and letting them grow too it is all. but being careful not to fade em too much.

fed a tea of my making. compost,triple cast,bokash,[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Inoculate or Soil Life from Tea Labs.a lil Molasses and a half a fish ball. 2day brew. smelled strong yet on the sweeter side. 3 or 3.5 gallons also with liquid compost AND Kelp meal with Kelp liquid feed. not a terible brew.sorry I didn have more of it. all autos got hit. will water with a mild concoction of Organitrex and other mild boosters. Might spray too.pistils are barely visable on a few to ideal if you wanna spay once before BOOM BOOM L)

yeah that about it. sorta. it grows evenly.but i tend to not spin my pots as much as others so ill get dead or lower spots or uneven length from time to time. got one right now thats obvious. got bud. but a lil low of 2 of the four. it also helps the main lowers under the main cola grow more prominent. longer and touch more densely if flowered right imo. works well for me when done uniformly with even lighting as well. so its a dual deal and as they go larger you trim them back where I already sliced them. ill try to take a pic tomorrow and youll see. works amazing ,different strains and growth patterns require more and tall ones far less.
