
It's all about the Trichomes
Apr 18, 2018
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Im doing a Girl scout cookies battle royal growing multiple Girl scout cookies from diffrent breeders side by side to see the diffrences between them and see who has the best overall strain. They are germinating now and will be planted within the week. All will be grown with.

  • Canna coco and perilite. 60/40% ratio
  • Advanced nutrients ph perfect sensi grow and bloom with Big Bud supplement.
  • smart fabric pots and LST training methods.
  • Roleadro COB LED 400watt and 600W panel leds.
I will post updates weekly stay tuned and watch this thread so I can see the interest in it and answer any questions asked.
I'm curious on this.

Sent from my comfy chair
Autoseeds, mephisto, fastbuds, and hopefully barneys farm. But barneys farms never got delivered. So maybe just the three. Im going with mephistos forgotten cookies. Since they dont really have a pure GSC strain.
The forgotten cookies can get huge based on what I'm experiencing right now. I currently have one at over 3 1/2 feet tall.

if nature is illegal, freedom doesnt exist..
Yeah I think its a trait from the forum stomper. Ive grown quite a few of those and they were all tall skinny plants with very few leaves for their size. But they are one of my most potent strains to date. I got a forum stomper right now in the grow room just hit flower and it has more hair clusters than leafs it looks weird lol. I have a AVT right next to it half its size and the already done stretching.
Variety is the spice of life.
download (2).jpg
Autoseeds, mephisto, fastbuds, and hopefully barneys farm. But barneys farms never got delivered. So maybe just the three. Im going with mephistos forgotten cookies. Since they dont really have a pure GSC strain.
you'll love the forgotten cookies. A pure taste sensation.
I wonder if these breeders are going to change the name here soon to just Scout cookies or watever the hell they are calling it now. Dont want to offend any Non binaries or watever the hell the new weird sex trend is nowdays.