Old Reviews basic ?'s about molassas- why, when, how much

Okay, Muddy says he uses it during the flowering cycle only, from when he switches to bloom nutes until final flush, @ 1Tbs/gal at every feeding...... not sure if flavor itself is affected,...
Sounds resonable to me.many have tons of ways they do things.Myself,I use it every third watering thru till final flush.But I bet muddys way it better and safer.Let me know how it works for you my friend.
Okay G's :pimp: After doing some botanical research, the whole pouring soda of any kind into the soil is a big fat hairy no-no; CO2 is not absorbed at all by the roots, period, and worse, the presence of other gases in the soil interfers with O2 exchange by displacing it; also, some of the CO2 will react with water, forming HCO3 + (H+).... this acidifies the soil, which may or may not be heplful, depending on where your current soil pH is.... One trick i read about is spraying club soda on the foliage, underneath particularly, if you want a quick and dirty CO2 boost,... (CO2 is exchanged only through leaves)..... So, stick with the molasses for the soil, make yourself a nice fizzy cocktail with the soda-pop, and go patrol for vermin in the plants! That is one of my favorite sunny afternoon activities:toke: Oh yeah, for spot killing soft bodied vermin like aphids, mealy's, etc., mix a dilute alcohol (isopropyl is fine) solution, say 1 part 70% alc., 1/3 part water, with a couple drops per 1cup solution of a mild detergent (woolite, mild hand soap, or a agriculture type water spreader agent), put it in a small spritzer and go kill kill kill! (vegetation only of course, don't want to disslove the resins on the forming buds). This works great, won't harm the plant (I use it safely on my orchids), and leaves nothing behind but death-pickled bugs! :booya:
I have herd of people putting banana skins in soil to get flavor in his kush..it tasted like it to me. I use molasses in all my watering from seed to end..i even use it in a spray bottle half tsp melted first in hot water half pinch Epsom spray whenever..no issues with it that i can tell.