Iv seen nothing but good results since Iv started using molasses on my girls they seem alot happier 

hi Grownbitchz- could you tell me what regime you're using?... when you start/stop, frequency, concentration etc......... I'm trying to gather some kinda collective methodology from people who do use molasses, for everybody to scope out and try for themselves (hint-hint other readers) :group:
i have heard lucizade is great and the bubbles airrate the soil wich is good for the rooting system so not completely a silly idea to try 7up, or is it? hahaYou know, I've had this silly thought: I wonder if anybody has tried pouring 7UP or something like that into the soil (daytime),.... you got your CO2, sugars, citric acid, citrus essences:smoke: Hmmmm,....
Nahh,.. better put ease up on that Pineapple Thai.............. Or is it silly??? :brow: All the goods are there.....
Hey guys- thanks for rollin' with this threadStorm'- (lol!) If only adding juicy flavah's were so easy, there'd be crazy shit like root beer kush, cola-cola, thai daqueri, ginger fizzy nugs, mountain dew-bee, and so on....
Sadly, essences typically won't make through the soil, into the roots (across cell membranes, which have all kinds of bouncer-type proteins that backhand away most things that try to crash the party!), and up through the rest of the plant to the buds, and still stay intact. Maybe terpene type flavahs might get integrated, hmmm... but likely not. Those compounds are produced on site, right in the trich's, for good reason (too reactive with other things).... Plus, pineapple juice has all kinds of other compounds in it, like many other juices, that would cause a FUBAR situation in the soil, or the plant itself.... ever marinate meat in pineapple juice based goodness? Delicious, but look what it does to the meat! Sodas are simpler chemically though, so WTF, it might be worth a try on a "spare" plant!
fuckin' magic can happen,... And thanks for the info too! How did that speed devil turn out? I'm very interested in the final word qualty on all these newer strains....
G-man- I think I did get that lengthy article from JM's thread on molasses, thanks just the same. I'll quiz sensei Muddy-san about too... as you both indicated, there's a min. and a max. amount to use that's beneficial, or not pointless, and that's what I'm look to establish. My best guess so far is about 1 Tbs/ gal at feeding time.... let's see what Muddy-san says....![]()