Old Reviews basic ?'s about molassas- why, when, how much


Growing strange,...
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Mar 11, 2013
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Hi all- I hear about molasses as an additive from several threads, but I can't find the big picture 411 about why, when, and dosage. I gather that it's okay to add to outdoor soils as well? clue me in, ay? :toke:
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There are going to be a lot of opinions on this one.. Some people say it hurts your plants and that they will die even if they smell molasses.. Others will say that they use it the whole grow. And some people like me say use it in the last 2 feedings.. I put 2 table spoons along with my regular nutes in a 5 gallon bucket of ph-ed water. Honestly, I cant say it helps anyting other than taste.. It mellows the taste out a bit and thats the only claim I can make about it.
i read its only really useful for organic growing and you use it in the later stages of flower. the plant/microbes break down the sugars into usable ..whatevers?
there might be info in the organic section of the site, i havent been there.
I have never not used molasses, dont have any articles to support my view but I use it the entire growth of the plant and have never seen any adverse affects. The strains that I have used it on seem to have loved it. try it in small doses to see how yours react but make sure it is unsulphered molasses. Either grandmas or blackstrap are the best ive read.
that or Sugar in the Raw. once a week from the stuff I read puts certain microbes into the soil.but yet there is sooo many shcools of thought on this is crazy.Best of luck to you bro!Its supposed to help sweeten the beds too,but again dunno for sure.
Dude-man, and others-
Thanks for the thread hook-up and input! :D The in depth article clarifies alot of what I've heard form other sources about what it actually does, scientifically speaking, not just anecdotes, and what it might be doing beyond boosting microbe activity (giving the little buggers a sugar rush!) ... Simply put, boosting microbes (symbiotic and non-) ups their activity, plus the added mineral nute's (chelation baby!)-> they in turn uptake and/or convert more nutrients-> pass it on to the plant-> equals boosted growth and developement..... sound right to y'all? (Chelation, BTW, puts nutrient elements in a form that's more readily absorbed through cell membranes vs. nonchelated forms....the chlorophyll molecule itself is a chelate built around magnesium)...... As for the other benefits, like flavor enhancement, "sweetness", who knows if the effect is direct from something in molasses itself, or is it the end result of other boosted productions :joint: Who cares, as long as it shows positive results! As for raw sugar, it's really just regular sugar that's had molasses sprayed back onto it after final processing, and or refined less thoroughly, depending on the manufacturer (thanks to the How it's Made show for that!! lol) i hope to test it all out soon!
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yeah I use Bud candy as well as sugar in the raw and Molasses too with my mild tea for sweetening em up .works well for the few harvests Ive had.Ive seen a diff. but..... LOL!
You know, I've had this silly thought: I wonder if anybody has tried pouring 7UP or something like that into the soil (daytime),.... you got your CO2, sugars, citric acid, citrus essences:toke::smoke: Hmmmm,....
Nahh,.. better ease up on that Pineapple Thai.............. Or is it silly??? :brow: All the goods are there.....
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