Bandit. You have reacted to this incident with incredible emotional restraint. Many here can relate to your situation. Some are running stealth grows under the noses of close relatives and/or close third parties that have to be--unfortunately--regarded as unfriendlies. However, your situation is markedly different you were forthcoming and then bamm--out of nowhere--an about face with the prior acceptance of the grow. Like you mentioned above, something has changed your father's disposition. It could be anything. Look at the most obvious with a parent. Could it simply be the time and enthusiasm you are showing towards your plants--the hobby of growing. I have found that an accepting parent would, rather not, see nor hear too much about the grow and its harvest--once they have accepted the idea. You may PM me. I have first hand experience in this area as to the father/son dynamics and related issues. I do not want to say to much publicly. Lastly, in regard to the harvest I would follow the advice of the experienced growers. Take it nice and easy.