New Grower Bandit's Cheesy Grow.....

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Yeah, I guess the lab is on the outs for now. I need to figure out what got my dad so worked up yesterday. He went from super excited about the plants to panic chop down mode in like 8 hours. I swear I think he is Bi-Polar....

sorry about the family drama bandit went thru same kinda thing with my current grow, except its in my house. told my father about it, he's a chemist so he leans toward pill options for my wifes meds but i told him we'd tried most of all that for her, he doesn't approve but i'm glad he knows, thou we both decided my mother doesn't need to know about my hobby :) she's the uber christian over reactive type. Someday all the stigma will be stripped away and no one will look at us any differnt than someone with one of those home brew beer kits.
Jeez, sorry to hear that Bandit. I would probably do a heavy flush, put them in the dark for 2 days and then chop. They will be fine, maybe just not as mature as you would have liked. At this point they won't be stunted, they are already past that point. And it's probably not worth the effort to try and set up another area somewhere else for another 2-3 weeks.
Bandit. You have reacted to this incident with incredible emotional restraint. Many here can relate to your situation. Some are running stealth grows under the noses of close relatives and/or close third parties that have to be--unfortunately--regarded as unfriendlies. However, your situation is markedly different you were forthcoming and then bamm--out of nowhere--an about face with the prior acceptance of the grow. Like you mentioned above, something has changed your father's disposition. It could be anything. Look at the most obvious with a parent. Could it simply be the time and enthusiasm you are showing towards your plants--the hobby of growing. I have found that an accepting parent would, rather not, see nor hear too much about the grow and its harvest--once they have accepted the idea. You may PM me. I have first hand experience in this area as to the father/son dynamics and related issues. I do not want to say to much publicly. Lastly, in regard to the harvest I would follow the advice of the experienced growers. Take it nice and easy.
Thanks everyone!

I feel better being able to at least vent a little on here to you guys. My Dad is going through some stuff right now (he wont tell us what), so I try to be understanding.....

I guess tomorrow I will do a heavy flush and get em in the dark....

Thanks so much for all of the support!

Well, I just finished flushing them. They look AMAZING. Almost all of the hairs are red or orange. More leaves are starting to yellow and fall off.

I still dont have any way to see the trichromes up close, but they give the entire surface of every bud a nice white frosty appearance. I cannot wait to see what this looks like after drying and curing.

The plants are in a spare shower and are REAKING!!! The entire house has a skunky odor to it, and you can even smell it outside.

So, how long should I wait before chopping them to dry?

They only have very low ambient room bathroom lighting..

Should I change them over to total darkness now for two days and continue flushing? Is it ok to flush in dark out?


I don't see any reason why you can't put them in the dark now since you've already given them a good flush.
Well, all of my hard work was basically thrown out the gutter last night. My Dad started freaking out about the plants, and said that I have to get rid of them.
My father has been a cannabis smoker since 16.
I understand his point....

Sounds like he may have smoked a bit of Sativa during some stressful events. Cannabis induced paranoia is a bitch when it catches you off guard, and even more so if you have "issues" or are bi-polar.
I have tons of "issues" so I am pretty vigilante in assessing paranoid or racy thoughts. Every so often, I have to just mentally talk myself through some irrational thoughts by asking myself, have I been thinking this way when not medicated? That is almost never the case, so then I can take some deep breaths ans get over it, but I have noticed that if I am highly stressed prior to the attack coming, I have to work much harder at keeping thoughts even.

And as hypocritical as it seems, my kids are not to bring cannabis or any other illicit substance onto the property. My reasoning is that I can control & take responsibility for my actions and If I have consequences as a result of my actions it is on me. I do not want to have those same consequences for their actions. They are still young and not as careful as they should be, and share information much more liberally than I do, so that is my rule. They know I don't have an issue with them using once they reach adulthood, but they can't bring it on to my property.
Hey bandit sorry to hear about your situation, but seems like you are handling it well, i think that your plants will give you more stone when they have a chance to dry and get some of that decarboxylating action, and hopefully you are not in an area where that smell will become problematic when you trim/manicure the buds I would use use some latex gloves and some old clothes, that resin gets everywhere and stinks to high heaven.