Grow Mediums Bailey goes coco with Barney's Farm and Dinafem


Yeah we have lift of with both now I'm very pleased the kushncheese is up but not lost it shell yet the blue cheese is shorter and has lost its shell

Yeah we have lift of with both now I'm very pleased the kushncheese is up but not lost it shell yet the blue cheese is shorter and has lost its shell View attachment 575571 View attachment 575573
and where off a little tip if you need to remove the shell casing or just to help it along mist it with water every couple of hours it makes it easier to come off :pass:
Hey bro, i pulled up a chair here if u dont mind :pop:
Im a learner here, im just finishing my first journal soon. Im useing coco and want to know as much i can :D Already learnt a lot by experiences and advices!
Good luck mate!
Come on in grab that seat over there the only rules is if it's ure first time here ure on rolling duties lol good to have you here BudsLover

The kushncheese has stretched alot over night and I took @Wile e Peyote advice and she's now lost her she'll the Barney's Farm is slightly showing her first set of true leaves but not quite day one.
So first of all I dig out a nice hole for the jiffy cubes to go in
I then place the cubes in and compact the coco perilte mix around it
Then ull have something like this
And for half the day humidity cover will be removed to keep stretch at a minimum have a great weekend on this grow I'll be doing two things differently first my feeding during seedling stage will be different as they be getting biobizz root juice and I'll only be watering around the plant not the full pot to see if this helps a more solid root base and secondly I'll be doing a two plant scrog peace ✌
