Outdoor BackyardBigBud

Jun 30, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
2018, are you readyyyyy!?

Well, i can only hope i am.
This is gonna be my very first growreport, but definately not the last one.

It's going to be just 1 autoflower, in our backyard.
and i will try to update at least once in 2 days, or more :cooldance:

So, got a Big Bud autoflower from Seedstockers. Threw that bean i a glass of water (never tried, also new for me) to see how fast it germinates. and if it will germinate lol.
I added a few drops of Ferro - Root it in the water to hopefully burst the bean out of his jacket.

I'm going to feed it Megacrop. My free 230g sample arrived yesterday. this is also the first time i use an powder feeding. but i allready saw some kickass results with megacrop from other growers.

The medium will be cocos substrate from Atami/ Wilma's lawn & garden. and again, a first timer for me on only cocos.
Got some 5 gallon fabric bags/pots. airpots or smartpots or idontremembertheirname-atm-pots.

if anyone has some advice or knowledge to share during my bigbudgrow, please don't hesitate to say it.
i am quite new here, but im here to learn, and i can handle critics/advice very well :kiss:

i hope everyone enjoys my report. if there are any questions, feel free to ask.

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Welcome to afn an I have always liked big bud autos something about that cross really works great as an autoflower .An don't worry about critics we are known for our chill vibe an a troll less experience so post away with no worries friend .
Welcome to afn an I have always liked big bud autos something about that cross really works great as an autoflower .An don't worry about critics we are known for our chill vibe an a troll less experience so post away with no worries friend .

the vibe on afn is very relaxed indeed!
@912GreenSkell didn't forgot to tag you. only don't know if it works like this

Right on bud!! Tag worked just fine, good luck on your grow bud! Hey if its okay with you, can I move this thread over to the outdoor journal section? I find myself super busy in the summer and dont want to miss this one, and i wont if its in the outdoor section!
Right on bud!! Tag worked just fine, good luck on your grow bud! Hey if its okay with you, can I move this thread over to the outdoor journal section? I find myself super busy in the summer and dont want to miss this one, and i wont if its in the outdoor section!

yeah no problem, i was allready doubting to put it there but as im a new here..
ah well just go ahead haha.
Well, to be fair, most of us are probably stoned. Yeah, it's a great forum for sure.

Psych test on relaxing? Just pump cannabis into the prison cells of violent offenders.

haha i bet they are indeed.
well thats prob a fantastic idea.. all those mad guys becoming friendly whaha

hi and welcome :pass:
get stuck in,good luck n keep er lit.

Thank you!
yeah no problem, i was allready doubting to put it there but as im a new here..
ah well just go ahead haha.

The outdoor category absolutely welcomes new members or growers! Plus all of the outdoor experienced growers often go and check out each others journals and add feedback.