yes i have ive smoked Changa tht ive made but im not a fan of the way the Caapi tastes when smoked.. it makes me start gagging after a cpl puffs and thats no good when your Open eyed reality is literally melting and breaking away around you :crying: maybe next time i will make a stronger DMT:Caapi ratio i did a 1:2.5 i will proly do a 1:1.5 next time.. it def makes the trip interesting tho when you can slowly blast yourself off to hyperspace with every hit you take and also extending the trip!

Have you tried a drinkable brew?
MAOIs do tend to make tryptamines really intense. I've tried this for myself with shrooms. 0.2g of home-made syrian rue extract before consuming 4-5 grams of mushrooms really had me holding on for dear life lol
Have you tried a drinkable brew?
MAOIs do tend to make tryptamines really intense. I've tried this for myself with shrooms. 0.2g of home-made syrian rue extract before consuming 4-5 grams of mushrooms really had me holding on for dear life lol
no but i will try it sometime.. but the whole throwing up/purge for a while before tripping is the turn off for me as far as ayahuasca or pharmauhuasca is concerned... ive made a 10X Caapi extract that i have laying around here somewhere maybe next time i feel like munching some shrooms ill smoke some and get REAL trippy! lol i dont think i could do it on a 5 gram dose unless i work my self back up first. i was tripping 2x's a week for like 2 months when these were growing... me and a buddy ate 12 grams each the one night and as you can imagine it was a ROUGH night! it all started with him going down in the basement in the dark like a weirdo and closing the door behind him while im blasting pink flyod on the comp tripping balls about 1 hr after taking them. so im wondering in my head WTF is this guy doing down there?!? so i go and open the door and I SWORE he had hung himself at the bottom of the staircase. like i seen him there for a second hanging from a rope man that was fucked up. but in reality he was just standing there staring at me at the bottom of the stairway.... ( o did i mention my girlfriend was 8 months pregnant at the time and i was at my buddys house and she was home) so after i recover from that she messages me on Facebook and says she thinks she was having cramps/contractions and there is no way that either of us coulda drove my car to my house then to the hospital. so as you can imagine my head was TOTALLY FUCKED! this was the only time ive EVER had a bad trip out of tripping at least 75 times. i ended up throwing up as i was "peaking" and after that i was able to sit down and collect myself by telling myself there is nothing i could she went to sleep(she didnt go into labor for another 25+ days) my boy and his girl( o yea his girl ate like 4 grams for the first time ever) were upstairs in their room so i ate more shrooms like 3 grams and watched Disney's Mulan and he comes crashing in the room i was in looking mad confused and said that they tried to have sex and they got as far as getting her cloths off and she just started bawling butt naked in the room and he didnt know what to do. so i had to play babysitter for them 2 with all them mushrooms in my body.. i got them calmed down and made them watch a disney movie and stay the fuck in their room and chill out while i finish my movie lol so anyway i ended up staying up till like 6am listening to that rain shit you can put on your phone, you know like the nosies of the beach waves and shit... it was pretty weird but humbling way of ending the night..... it was insane!
no but i will try it sometime.. but the whole throwing up/purge for a while before tripping is the turn off for me as far as ayahuasca or pharmauhuasca is concerned... ive made a 10X Caapi extract that i have laying around here somewhere maybe next time i feel like munching some shrooms ill smoke some and get REAL trippy! lol i dont think i could do it on a 5 gram dose unless i work my self back up first. i was tripping 2x's a week for like 2 months when these were growing... me and a buddy ate 12 grams each the one night and as you can imagine it was a ROUGH night! it all started with him going down in the basement in the dark like a weirdo and closing the door behind him while im blasting pink flyod on the comp tripping balls about 1 hr after taking them. so im wondering in my head WTF is this guy doing down there?!? so i go and open the door and I SWORE he had hung himself at the bottom of the staircase. like i seen him there for a second hanging from a rope man that was fucked up. but in reality he was just standing there staring at me at the bottom of the stairway.... ( o did i mention my girlfriend was 8 months pregnant at the time and i was at my buddys house and she was home) so after i recover from that she messages me on Facebook and says she thinks she was having cramps/contractions and there is no way that either of us coulda drove my car to my house then to the hospital. so as you can imagine my head was TOTALLY FUCKED! this was the only time ive EVER had a bad trip out of tripping at least 75 times. i ended up throwing up as i was "peaking" and after that i was able to sit down and collect myself by telling myself there is nothing i could she went to sleep(she didnt go into labor for another 25+ days) my boy and his girl( o yea his girl ate like 4 grams for the first time ever) were upstairs in their room so i ate more shrooms like 3 grams and watched Disney's Mulan and he comes crashing in the room i was in looking mad confused and said that they tried to have sex and they got as far as getting her cloths off and she just started bawling butt naked in the room and he didnt know what to do. so i had to play babysitter for them 2 with all them mushrooms in my body.. i got them calmed down and made them watch a disney movie and stay the fuck in their room and chill out while i finish my movie lol so anyway i ended up staying up till like 6am listening to that rain shit you can put on your phone, you know like the nosies of the beach waves and shit... it was pretty weird but humbling way of ending the night..... it was insane!

Wow that sounds crazy! The most plain mushies I've done was 7g and while the trip was literally life changing I was twitching uncontrollably the whole time and combined with nausea it did bother me quite a bit.

With MAOIs it's more mentally intense but once you get through the come up which is basically a field trip to hell and back it's nothing but good times. Interestingly, the remainder of the trip, which still takes like 4-6 hours, tends to be really mellow and introspective.
Wow that sounds crazy! The most plain mushies I've done was 7g and while the trip was literally life changing I was twitching uncontrollably the whole time and combined with nausea it did bother me quite a bit.

With MAOIs it's more mentally intense but once you get through the come up which is basically a field trip to hell and back it's nothing but good times. Interestingly, the remainder of the trip, which still takes like 4-6 hours, tends to be really mellow and introspective.
yea man the comeup does kinda suck most times, i just tell myself once i "breakthrough" and everything is "clear" it ill be fun! lol
Haha man I remember when I did the MAOI + 4 grams and came back home from watching the fireworks, I just lay there on my back motionless with this shit eating grin and tears coming out of my eyes, being one with the ceiling for like an hour or so. Shit was unfathomably euphoric.
It freaked out my friends a bit, though. :crying:
Haha man I remember when I did the MAOI + 4 grams and came back home from watching the fireworks, I just lay there on my back motionless with this shit eating grin and tears coming out of my eyes, being one with the ceiling for like an hour or so. Shit was unfathomably euphoric.
It freaked out my friends a bit, though. :crying:
you know you had the trip your spirit needed when you cry tears of joy!
What's up yall. I felt like I needed to post at least some sort of explanation, somewhere. Aside from posting my vids to the fast buds comp section every week, I've been very absent 'round here. It's not been an easy few months for me personally. I've been working out lots of issues and feelings about things happening in and around my life and work. I'm working on leaving my job to go full time working for myself for a few months, then I want to eventually end up moving to a new state. So anyways, life has been crazy for me and has made it difficult for me to be as active as I have truly wanted to be during this time. I love you all like family and I hope that you will all forgive my absence and know that I will be back sometime soon to share my adventures and get caught up with everyone.

On another note, this Fastbuds comp is pretty legit with some purple buds. If you haven't yet, make sure you check out the FastBuds Fastberry grow I'm doing in the comp: