Damn, I admit it. I am a slacker sometimes. So total weight was 3 Oz of WW, and 5 Oz of PC - dried. I'm horrible at getting dried bud porn because I pop them into jars and never look back until I'm ready to light it up. The bagseeds ended up hermied and seeded, and now that I think about it, I'm betting that's how these seeds were made to start. Whoever gave me the bud that had em must of grown a hermie and of course hermie seeds produce hermie plants regardless of environment. Had about 1.5 Oz of seeded bagseed that I will use for a run of BHO at some point. On another note, I'm backing down the amount I smoke, so 8 Oz is gonna last me a while at this rate.

And as far as mushies.. they STILL comin out! I just harvested another half O (dried) the other day. Some cakes are about ready for a 6th flush. I literately cannot believe they are going so long! I'm gonna keep them going as long as they keep producing and I'll have a fucking lifetime stash lol.

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nice harvest bro!
Can't wait for my next grow coming up :)

Man 2016 seems like a great year for you so far! Amazing.
How did you like your Delahaze? And how the hell are your mushrooms' caps so large on BRF??

I really recommend doing an ethanol extraction to your shrooms if 160-proof booze is readily available. That shit rocks.
Basically you just do two pulls, just in case:

1: let finely ground mushrooms soak in darkness for 12-24h
2: boil water in a pot, filter out the solids and put in a pyrex dish for example. Put the dish in the boiling water for about 45 minutes, filter out the solids and discard while still hot

Combine liquid from the two pulls. You now have the option to reduce the alcohol by submerging it in hot but not boiling water in a separate vessel. Pyrex is my favorite.

If you reduce the solution enough, it'll turn into a thick, brown goo with some sediments. This can be loaded in gel caps for easy consumption free of any funny tasting burps or other annoyances that normally occur during the trip.

Nausea will be likely be present if you ingest on an empty stomach. The cleanest, most powerful trip I ever had was after ingesting these caps two hours or so after being to an all-you-can-eat -restaurant, which means my stomach was still practically full. The onset is delayed significantly (might take around 90 minutes to feel anything) but that's the only downside I can think of, really.

Shit, this one's so great and original I'm almost proud of it. Should probably name it "Wienerwoods tek" or something :D

Anyway, fantastic work!! :slap:
Hell yeah bro! Thanks for that major like bomb!

The DelaHaze turned out amazing! One of my favorite strains of all time! As with anything that I grow, I try to keep at least a bud from every single harvest so that I have a keepsake to remember it by.

Haha I'm not sure man, I had a couple of really big mushies pop out for me in this run. I guess they could just feel the love. I certainly do want to give bulk a try, maybe next spring I will do that. Check out Roark & GoAuto's Hardhats thread, we have a few members with bulk grows going RIGHT NOW. https://www.autoflower.org/threads/...xtravaganza-work-area-hard-hats-please.35474/

The Wienerwoods tek sounds like it would kick my ass! Haha it sounds awesome, I'll have to try that one of these days.
Speaking of teks, have you tried the lemon tek? You take your dried mushies and let them sit in lemon juice for 20 min. Then eat/drink it or blend it up an add it to a smoothie. I did this just over the weekend, and it was great. The idea is that the lemon starts externally converting the psylisybin to psylisin so your body doesn't have to. ZERO nausea, strong trip (even on empty stomach). Best consumption method I have found so far for my weak stomach.

Speaking of extracting, have you ever heard of DMT? You can extract it from root bark. It's a triptamine like shrooms, but stronger, and you smoke or vape it. I have some that I extracted from root bark, but have yet to test it out more than just a tiny sample. It's insane!

I'm getting into a new grow this week I'll be poppin some beans tonight from FastBuds. We are doing a video comp grow - 32 of us growing for FastBuds all at the same time! I'll keep this thread going with pics, but all of my videos will be posted over there if you want to check it out. https://www.autoflower.org/forums/1st-afn-fast-buds-film-contest.335/

Good to have you back bro!

Actually now that I think about it, the closest to lemon tek I've ever done was when I ate 7 grams with orange juice. I did plan on following the actual tek but just haven't gone through with it for some reason. Definitely something I'll have to try out when I get to pick some mushies again.

I'm familiar with DMT, but I've yet to try it for myself. Getting it in any form is a somewhat involved process. It's definitely on my bucket list, though!

How did you do extracting it? I remember a thing or two about how it's done and it wasn't exactly straightforward.

What a cool idea to have a film contest with the same strain!
Np man. Yeah you might like the lemon tek. Orange juice is always a good time on a mushroom trip too.

As far as DMT, I've only done one extraction so far. I used a Straight-to-base tek to understand the process. Not sure what I'll do next time. I used a very simple tek where you grind the bark and mix it into lye water. Let it sit. Then add naptha and let it gather the goods, then separate the naptha out by suction, and finally by letting it freeze crystallize and dry to smokable. There are tons of other teks to get a cleaner product or higher yields, so check out the dmt nexus. The teks I used as a reference was Nature Boy's tek & Noman's Tek. There's another guy on here @tripaholic88 knows a shit ton more about it than I do! He helped convince me to do my own extraction.

Yeah it will be cool, and I'm sure a bit crazy. Haha we are all growin from the same breeder, but several varieties of auto strains for a full catalog of grows.
o man BK dont get me started rambling about dmt again lol!:crying: im here if you need any help whenever @Wienerwoods
Ah, correct, FastBuds is a breeder lol :doh::crying:

There was this dude who was suffering from cluster headaches or something, he was a teacher of some sort I'm pretty sure. He had a video up on the youtubes where he went through an extraction step by step. Anyway, the point is that he had treated whatever ailment he had and at the same time he had found and perfected a method of extraction that involved at least two trips to the freezer. It's been a long time and I cannot seem to find it anymore.

@tripaholic88 I will surely hit you up about all that if I ever get the chance to extract my own DMT!
Have you ever tried a MAOI such as harmalas and actually ingesting the DMT, so pretty much ayahuasca?
@tripaholic88 I will surely hit you up about all that if I ever get the chance to extract my own DMT!
Have you ever tried a MAOI such as harmalas and actually ingesting the DMT, so pretty much ayahuasca?
yes i have ive smoked Changa tht ive made but im not a fan of the way the Caapi tastes when smoked.. it makes me start gagging after a cpl puffs and thats no good when your Open eyed reality is literally melting and breaking away around you :crying: maybe next time i will make a stronger DMT:Caapi ratio i did a 1:2.5 i will proly do a 1:1.5 next time.. it def makes the trip interesting tho when you can slowly blast yourself off to hyperspace with every hit you take and also extending the trip!