thats interesting... have you ever tried DMT?
Not just yet man. I really really really really (reallyx100) want to! It's pretty much unheard of over here. Every single person that I've mentioned it too has never heard of it, let alone know where to get some.
But WAIT.. N.E. just shipped me out some MHRB. So I have a feeling it will be soon. Time to re-read the tek I'll be following.
Ya'll know that when I am growing a mushroom that I have to deliver almost daily updates in fruiting stage haha.
12th day after birth. There are 2 really moving cakes, and the rest are a bit slower but that is totally OK they are just chilling out for now.
One (as @Wienerwoods would say) "dumbass" thinks that up is down and wants to grow into the perlite. It's all good except the fucker is actually lifting the rest of the cake up. I hope it does not cause itself to tip over!

N.E. just shipped me out some MHRB. So I have a feeling it will be soon. Time to re-read the tek I'll be following.
i totally forgot we talked about this... i talk to so many ppl on here and being medicated doesnt help my memory haha yea man read,read,read... because when you do the extraction you will want to understand why your doing what your doing... and whats goin on in there... make sure when your shaking the jar of naptha and bark that you dont let the Lye clump up in the botom of the jar because it WILL GET HOW AND WILL CRACK/Burst the jar... its happened to me using a big wine growler , luckily i had on glasses and long sleeves and glove and all that..... it didnt blow up or anything but the glass definetly shattered and there was a "pop" noise to it.. so with that besing said be careful because you are working ith chemical reactions and also make sure there is NO OPEN FLAMES!!!!! naptha is pretty much just Zippo Lighter Fluid!!!
You know how I do - 13 days after birth.
These little things are looking pretty darn close. Their caps are starting to open up and I can see their veil. Does anyone think I'll have mushrooms for tomorrow?

