Seed Bank Avalon Magic Plants (seeds,spores,catci,salvia etc.)

Dr Fluff

Mighty Powerful, Cure Alls & Snake Oil Elixirs
Cultivators Club
Sep 1, 2014
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Currently Smoking
yo arse
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DSCN2542 (FILEminimizer).JPG

I recently ordered some Cubensis Spore Syringes for a friend. I've grown a few Cubensis in brown rice/vermiculite cakes in the past but I rather let someone else grow em for me and I'll grow the herbs :)

Three strains were ordered all were Cubensis strains - Golden Teacher - Mexican Cubensis & Columbian Cubensis.

The company is situated in the Nederlands (Holland) and did not use any of the normal methods of payment such as Visa or Paypal.

From the UK the only way was to pay was using a company called "Global Web Pay".

You set up an account and transfer funds in the holding account - then fill in the details of the bank account you are sending it to (all details of the their bank acc comes in the email) and put in the order number in the required field.
They do ask that you don't mention any details of your order in the Global Web Pay site!

Well at first this did look a lil dodgy, so I went and checked out a few shroom forums and found they were legit.

Transfer done and I receive an Email saying it has been processed and is on it's way.

It took about 3 days to arrive from the Nederlands to the UK.

Great company, I would definitely use them again.

Bit of a weird payment structure but one you have a Global Web Pay account set up it is as easy as pie and nice a fast delivery from the Continent. This way of paying protects them from prying eyes and they also offer a discount of 15% for cash payments (sent registered mail of course) they accept US dollars, Euros,Great British Pound

Avalon magic pants also sells Exotic Seeds, Psychedelic cactus (live), Salvia Extract, Ayahuasca,Kratom and loads of exotic seeds such as Hawiian Woodrose etc they also sell pipes, T-shirts, Incense, Books etc
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