Humboldt Seed Organization Autotron does HSO UK Cheese - Hydro, COB


I used to smoke weed. I still do,but I used to too
Apr 16, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Cartridges from a melange of old frows
Hey all! After some downtime since my last grow, the itch has struck me yet again. I'm giving hydro a shot for the first time.

My last UK Cheese that I grew in KindSoil had an issue in veg and gave low yields. But I knew it wasn't the fault of the genetics and the bud that I did get from it was unbelievably dank and outstanding. I have been eager to try this strain again and really maximize it so that I can get that very characteristic Cheese taste, smell and high, but with bigger yields.

To that end, I am leveraging some of the best technology out there to see if I can crush it from a quality and gram-per-watt perspective. For lighting, I am using an autoCOB that i purchased from a while back, but haven't used yet. These are known for being little powerhouses that punch way above their weight limit as far as electricity used. For growing medium/technique, I will be using a 5-gallon DWC bucket with recirculating water over the netpot to give it an even bigger boost early on. The full line of General Hydroponics nutrients will be used. I am really eager to see what kind of results I can pull with this setup! This little girl is spoiled as hell and does not want for anything as far as equipment and food. I've pulled out all the stops with this one.

Here's the breakdown:

Strain: HSO UK Cheese

Tent: 4'x4'x7' with carbon filter and Vortex exhaust fan

Medium: 5 gallon DWC bucket with submersible pump running water directly up onto rooter plug. heavy duty air pump(good enough for four buckets, using all four air stones and pump in this one bucket). Hydroton in netpot, seed planted into Rapid Rooter plug.

Lighting: One standard AutoCOB, compliments of @BigSm0

Nutrients: General Hydro Flora series(three part). Full line of GH supplements, HydroGuard and Terpinator

After I got everything set up, it only took about 5 days for the seedling to pop up and open it's leaves. Day 1 was 6/25. I just added plain water ph'ed to 6.0 for the first week as the delicate seedling got established. It has looked healthy and vigorous this whole time and I can see the growth difference from day to day. I have my COB set to 30 inches away currently. Temps have been holding stable at about 73F and RH has been between 50-55%.

Today was the first feeding, at a week old. The bucket had a little over 2.5 gallons of plain water in it. To the entire thing, I added 5 ml each of Micro/Grow/Bloom, 5 ml of RapidStart, 5 ml of Diamond Nectar and 10ml of FloraBlend, per the GH schedule on the website. After letting everything mix and settle for a while, I adjusted pH to 6 again. Water temp is just under 70 degrees Fahrenheit and PPMs are at 400(530 - 130, which is what my tap water comes in at) so I think things are looking good so far!

Below are some pictures from the past several days of my setup and the seedling. I'll be back with more updates in a week or so.







I am using an autoCOB that i purchased from a while back, but haven't used yet.
My current run I decided to let the plants grow to the Autocobs. Started at 30" and the lights are down to 12-13" on a couple plants with no ill affects. General health very good. I have a 1:1 cbd/thc Blimburn Mamba Negra that is a monster.
My current run I decided to let the plants grow to the Autocobs. Started at 30" and the lights are down to 12-13" on a couple plants with no ill affects. General health very good. I have a 1:1 cbd/thc Blimburn Mamba Negra that is a monster.

This is helpful to know. I've been worried about making sure the light is at the right distance since I've never used one of these before.

I saw that @BigSm0 recommended that they be kept 30"-36" away in veg and 20"-30" away in flower.

The seedling is at about 3" tall now and the second node is emerging. So, the top is actually 27" away from the light at the moment. I'm a tad worried that that's too close, but it's pretty tall for a week old seedling. I'll be keeping a close eye on it to make sure it doesn't look light stressed. I want to make sure I strike that fine balance where I can keep it from stretching while making sure it's getting all the light it can take while not getting stunted. They're so sensitive in this early stage, so I'm leaning towards less light being better than more.
Nice start dude. I love a hydro grow. Will you add any more lighting later in the grow or just see how much the 1 autocob can pull.
Good luck bud

Thanks man! I'm leaning towards only using the one AutoCOB throughout the grow. From what I've seen, that should be enough.

i am a DWC grower using HPS

good luck with your grow dude....:cheers:

Glad to have you aboard bro! I've used MH/HPS exclusively on my other grows. I'm excited to see how this efficient COB performs. I believe these pull 55 watts and are appropriate for a single plant. I don't see myself doing any big runs in the near future, I just grow for myself and cant justify the hefty electric bill. I'm not hurting for weed, so this run is basically for the love of the game. Growing a much admired strain with high yielding and efficient methods with the intention of maximizing quality and yield. It's a change of pace to be able to focus my efforts on a single plant.
This is helpful to know. I've been worried about making sure the light is at the right distance since I've never used one of these before.

I saw that @BigSm0 recommended that they be kept 30"-36" away in veg and 20"-30" away in flower.

The seedling is at about 3" tall now and the second node is emerging. So, the top is actually 27" away from the light at the moment. I'm a tad worried that that's too close, but it's pretty tall for a week old seedling. I'll be keeping a close eye on it to make sure it doesn't look light stressed. I want to make sure I strike that fine balance where I can keep it from stretching while making sure it's getting all the light it can take while not getting stunted. They're so sensitive in this early stage, so I'm leaning towards less light being better than more.

Thanks for the tag, I’m excited to watch the grow.

As far as heights go it’s impossible to give an exact number for every space. I don’t think anylight company should give exact numbers. Your height is based on a dozen if not more variables. If it is just one light and one plant that’s different than 2 lights for one plant as an example. If the plants in an open space or if the plants in a smaller tent. Basically as low as possible is the best answer. In veg I wouldn’t go much lower than 20” but as the plant ages it’s best to shrink the gap gradually until you see signs of slight stress and back it off.

Probably not the answer you were looking for. But I’d hate to do offer advice that didn’t fit either.
Thanks for the tag, I’m excited to watch the grow.

As far as heights go it’s impossible to give an exact number for every space. I don’t think anylight company should give exact numbers. Your height is based on a dozen if not more variables. If it is just one light and one plant that’s different than 2 lights for one plant as an example. If the plants in an open space or if the plants in a smaller tent. Basically as low as possible is the best answer. In veg I wouldn’t go much lower than 20” but as the plant ages it’s best to shrink the gap gradually until you see signs of slight stress and back it off.

Probably not the answer you were looking for. But I’d hate to do offer advice that didn’t fit either.

Thanks for your honest insight, let's see how it goes. I like what I see so far.