Photoperiod Autos and Photos


"Onward through the fog!" - Oat Willie
Feb 2, 2015
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How many days from seed on average does it take to grow photos? Roughly of course I understand strains are different.

My autos went quick under 20/4.

I want to try a photo scrog for the first time and I'm wondering if the increase yeild could offset increased electricity or if there is more electricity used to grow photos vs autos in the first place??
Hey there.

Photos vary massively of finishing time, some strains will finish flower in 7 weeks, some 12.
But usually you will want minimum of 3 weeks veg time, a month is good.
Autos usually take longer to finish than what a lot of breeders advertise as if you want most out of plant.
I probably wouldn't chop an auto any less than 9 weeks.
You could grow certain photo strains within the same time an auto would grow, with the added benefit of saving a few hours worth of electricity.
As for electricity usage, I used less when growing photos, as I keep my autos on 24/0 so I have a perpetual grow going constantly.
If I had room for two tents I would be having one set on 12/12 the other 20/4 and have a veg/auto tent and flowering tent for photos.


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