Thanks Tony! The extremely stressed plant is slowly growing larger buds, so I'm very grateful that it wasn't a complete write-off. I just started germinating two more automazar seeds, hoping to do it right this time... or at least less wrongover fertilised plants is one of the more frequent stresses, tending to produce smaller plants. But at least you are getting some buds forming, so you will get some reward for your efforts.

Thanks for sharing your automazars, Dr, Babnik! They look very healthy, great work!Oh, so sad...
My automazar grow has been without problems. However, I grow in old fashioned mud. They are at day 81 now and another 2-6 weeks to go. Here is the least and most mature plants.
@DutchPassionTony can I expect automazar to develop amber trichomes?
Thanks Derek! Love the support here, and it's super nice to hear from more experienced folks that I've made it through the worst. I'm just wondering at this point about whether or not the extended release nutrients will flush from the plant and soil in time before harvest. I suppose if they don't it won't matter much since I plan on extracting the resin.@IndicaIVoz I am just now seeing that you tagged my in this thread, I had 457 alerts and messages when I logged back on after being gone for a week so I guess this one slipped through the cracks.
@AutoIndi it seems like you have gotten the issue sorted and I tell you what, DP gear is almost indestructible so you will still get some good buds off of them don't worry about that! If you have any questions don't hesitiate to PM me
Thanks again everyone! You guys are awesome!