Dutch Passion AutoMazar - MarsHydro Reflector 96

over fertilised plants is one of the more frequent stresses, tending to produce smaller plants. But at least you are getting some buds forming, so you will get some reward for your efforts.
Thanks Tony! The extremely stressed plant is slowly growing larger buds, so I'm very grateful that it wasn't a complete write-off. I just started germinating two more automazar seeds, hoping to do it right this time... or at least less wrong :D
Oh, so sad...
My automazar grow has been without problems. However, I grow in old fashioned mud. They are at day 81 now and another 2-6 weeks to go. Here is the least and most mature plants. https://www.autoflower.org/threads/dr-babniks-botanical-garden-my-afn-news-journal.53450/page-34

@DutchPassionTony can I expect automazar to develop amber trichomes?
Thanks for sharing your automazars, Dr, Babnik! They look very healthy, great work!
@IndicaIVoz I am just now seeing that you tagged my in this thread, I had 457 alerts and messages when I logged back on after being gone for a week so I guess this one slipped through the cracks.

@AutoIndi it seems like you have gotten the issue sorted and I tell you what, DP gear is almost indestructible so you will still get some good buds off of them don't worry about that! If you have any questions don't hesitiate to PM me
Thanks Derek! Love the support here, and it's super nice to hear from more experienced folks that I've made it through the worst. I'm just wondering at this point about whether or not the extended release nutrients will flush from the plant and soil in time before harvest. I suppose if they don't it won't matter much since I plan on extracting the resin.

Thanks again everyone! You guys are awesome!
I have still a lot to learn, so will follow your grow.
Glad others can at least learn from my mistakes. Thanks Dr. Babnik!
Here's a little update, day 58.
The smaller one is getting pretty top heavy and wobbly when I move her, so I plan on staking her to keep her from moving too much and potentially snapping. She still shows some clawing and burnt tips. Smells very nice and looks shiny already.
The larger girl is still looking very hurt, but she's showing orange hairs on her buds already so I think she's swinging back around. Probably won't yield much unfortunately in terms of crop, but I've yielded plenty of good knowledge and experience from our journey together. All together, I'm happy with my first little indoor garden.
Day 66. I've only been giving the heavily damaged plant plain water no nutrients, didn't know how to go about nutrients after burning her so badly. Overall super small buds and super airy plant, all due to my inexperience. The smaller plant has some really great looking and smelling buds, so I'm very excited about doing this strain again the proper way.
Any input on how much longer to let them go for? I was thinking about 2 more weeks.
Day 67. After picking gnats off the leaves and buds of my small plant with tweezers, I noticed a small leaf on the budsites that looked off. I gave it a little pull and out it came, looking all disheveled and shit. Thought "oh shit, bud rot better cut her down" then noticed something small and black crawling around, pulled out my magnifier and the black things had long gross bodies attached to them. Fungus gnat larvae! Fuckers!
So I guess they're laying eggs when they get trapped in the resin. Should I give her a chop? Or should I let her mature and accept any damage from the gnat larva as minimal?
...or are they not gnat larva at all... The plot thickens.
Any help is much appreciated!



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Day 69. I saw another disheveled leaf near the top of my small plants main cola. Pulled it out, more fungus gnat larva on the base of its stem. Decided to investigate more, started pulling the main colas buds apart and in between them were these dark patches where the gnats had clearly been living. I panicked, I chopped her down and did my best to recover what I could. Tried to wash the detritus away with water, wasn't very effective so I opted so just cutting big sections of the buds away.
In the future, is there any way to prevent this? I suppose I should have been taking care to examine in between the buds, but from everything I had read fungus gnat don't damage the actual plants. How very wrong that bit of information is.
So it just occurred to me that perhaps I had budrot and the fungus gnats were feeding off the budrot fungi, actually being beneficial. I'm guessing that was the case, and that the rot occurred because the bud was pretty big and air couldn't circulate near the center. The temperature never got below 80, and humidity has been between 35-50% so a bit high for flowering. I guess I will try keeping the fans on them for longer during the flowering stage in the future.
Kind of bummed, I had high hopes for this girl.
Day 75. The big girl is coming back better than I expected, so I'm happy with that. Buds are smelling nice and are starting to really shape up. Hopefully I can get my seeds to get beyond their first set of true leaves so I can grow this girl again the right way.
you got a haul man that's what counts ;) and i love making mistakes for that reason the more you make the better you get no question :D :slap:
you got a haul man that's what counts ;) and i love making mistakes for that reason the more you make the better you get no question :D :slap:
Thanks dude, for the rep and kind words. The mistakes were embarrassing but I'm glad I kept the log going just to keep it as reference for my next ones. Definitely made a lot of mistakes, and still have plenty more to make hahaha