Dutch Passion AutoMazar and Autoblueberry, Arctic Outdoor grow

  • Thread starter Thread starter glocalgrower
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Yeah me too! Quite frustrated, everytime I plan on going out the weather prevents me! It's been cold and rainy for the last week! Hopefully the remaining part of the summer will be better... The brights side of all this is I don't have to go out and water the girls!

Automazar 1 (and 2, one of the small ones in the foreground still pretty much in seedling stage, the other seedlings are from seeds from my own crossings I put out), this is the stage I found her in after one month on her own out in the woods:


I don't know if wind, rain or some animal broke her stem. Anyway I adjusted her a bit with a stick:

SAM_1445.jpg SAM_1447.jpg

She's vigorous and now bigger in structure than the autoblueberry I kept inside (which was bigger in the beginning). Hopefully she'll handle this injure and produce some good buds. Even though she showed flowering when I put her out, no real buds have started to develop as with the window grown Autoblueberry.

The plants on this site are being grown on rich good quality soil, PH 5.8-6.0.

I put out the other Autoblueberry here also, seen down to the left in this pic:


I added a different, but still good soil for her, certified for ecological growing, and I happen to have the details if someone should be interested: PH: 6.0, Mg/l: N: 150, P: 50, K: 320, Ca: 250, Mg: 220, S: 150, B: 0,2, Cu: 0,3, Fe: 80, Mn: 23, Mo: 0,2, Zn: 4,8

Two Automazars are also being grown in this soil, one still indoors as a puny seedling, the other out in the woods seen here:


Also doing good, and small white hairs have started to shoot.

I still haven't been able to go and check on the oldest automazar - the sites are located quite far from each other.

To be continued ...
an arctic grow of tropical marijuana, who would have thought this would be possible a few years ago? Good luck with everything glocal !
Ok, been out in the woods:


The big AM to the left is lacking something. It's starting to yellow up. AB to the right and another AM to the right of the big AM. The others are my own auto crossings (I planted the seeds directly in the ground). No flowering signs on the small ones. Takes much longer outdoors than indoors. The big AM is now over 11 weeks old but is barely showing any budding. Its been a shitty summer too, cloudy and rainy, so that has to be counted in.


This is the other AM at another site. She's not doing so good. Found out the ground is soaking wet. It hasn't dried up since spring due to the wet summer and is now semi swampy which is hardly suitable for cannabis. If it gets hot and dry during august I believe she might get better, more rain would be devastating.


This is the site where I grew another AM. The indigenous weeds, even though they were only centimeters high when I planted the AM out, have all conquered the place. I was barely able to find her amongst the nettles and as you can see she hasn't grown much. We'll see if she picks up ...

I cleared the spot as good as I could with my feet and put out another young AM in a pot there:


Well, we'll see where it ends up! Good experiences at least! Expect nothing, then everything is a bonus is a good principle to have in mind when guerrilla growing.
Mid august update:

Birds eye view:

The big AM, closeups:


Automazar is really in a completely different auto division. I've never grown an auto as vigorous as this one. If only the summer had been better! (the sun has only recently showed up) Looks like it will need another month until finish, quite a long time considering it came above ground in mid May. Might be a good thing for the seed companies to inform the custumers that autos usually takes a few more weeks longer to finish outdoors - at least on far northern latitudes!

A male showed up among my own crossings. I pulled it, however some sacks had already opened so I guess the AM isn't a virgin anymore. I'll be more than happy to have some AM hybrid babies though! (In case someone should be interested, my crossings are of LR purple jems and MI5)

The Autoblueberry, still no signs of flowering which makes me afraid it wont finish until October! - we might even get snow at that time. Hopefully the buds will get really blue in cold though.


Ok, the summer 2012 was a sad story for the Scandinavian grower. Weather has simply been too wet for cannabis to thrive. I can't remember a summer as bad as this one actually.

Anyway, here is the update:


The plants are rotting away in the rain. I cut the big AM, the others have hardly produced any buds! Some buds had mold on them, and it feels as if the rain has washed off some of the resin (buds were stickier in mid august before all these rains)


The second AM, also a sad story...


The big AM after a quick manicure.


The third AM next to some of my own crossings that I'm window growing. In order for this to finish I'll probably have to plug in the lamp again. Only problem is I don't really have any space for the gear right now!

There's a last AM out in the woods that I haven't been able to check on. No big expectations however, we'll see ...

One major conclusion from all this is that you shouldn't count on an arctic summer. ALWAYS pre-veg indoors for best results and don't start any later than in the month of May. Sun is simply too weak up here that the regular growth scheme doesn't apply. What takes 75 days under the Dutch sun, probably takes 95 days under the Arctic sun. A good summer can give really good results though.
Keep your head up glocal! I always try to see something good in experiences like these. Think of Ways of improving my techniques to be guarded even against exceptional bad weather. Seeing how bad the weather was this year all around Europe I think its astonishing that you got any harvest at all. Hope next summer will be better for you (and me).
Not on Iceland, but close to your latitude. Im in Scandinavia slightly south of the arctic circle.

Yes potsnob, some buds are better than none. The rain is the biggest trouble. If its cold, but dry and sunny, the plants still do good. But this constant pissing from the sky is just too much! Imagine having a sprinkler system constantly spraying in you grow tent - what results would you expect? Was it that bad in France too? I thought you enjoyed a Mediterranean climate!
sounds horrible! yeah, weather here was unusual( or crazy) here as well... I am sadly nearer to england then to the Mediterranean Sea. It was cold and rainy in spring and the beginning of summer almost no sunny days and then over 35°C for a brief period...not Scandinavian bad but still sub optimal. autumn is nice this year though. Hope for a good finish on some photos I putt out late in the season.