Automazar 1 (and 2, one of the small ones in the foreground still pretty much in seedling stage, the other seedlings are from seeds from my own crossings I put out), this is the stage I found her in after one month on her own out in the woods:

I don't know if wind, rain or some animal broke her stem. Anyway I adjusted her a bit with a stick:
She's vigorous and now bigger in structure than the autoblueberry I kept inside (which was bigger in the beginning). Hopefully she'll handle this injure and produce some good buds. Even though she showed flowering when I put her out, no real buds have started to develop as with the window grown Autoblueberry.
The plants on this site are being grown on rich good quality soil, PH 5.8-6.0.
I put out the other Autoblueberry here also, seen down to the left in this pic:
I added a different, but still good soil for her, certified for ecological growing, and I happen to have the details if someone should be interested: PH: 6.0, Mg/l: N: 150, P: 50, K: 320, Ca: 250, Mg: 220, S: 150, B: 0,2, Cu: 0,3, Fe: 80, Mn: 23, Mo: 0,2, Zn: 4,8
Two Automazars are also being grown in this soil, one still indoors as a puny seedling, the other out in the woods seen here:

Also doing good, and small white hairs have started to shoot.
I still haven't been able to go and check on the oldest automazar - the sites are located quite far from each other.
To be continued ...