Dutch Passion autofrisian journal

last fed on the 21/10 fed it litre of mixed nute tea, so i was thinking of another feed 2mos or cleansing but from what your saying i feel as though it could have another feed, and i just keep a eagle eye on the trichs everyday.

oright didnt know that about trichs also didnt relise they could double size in last two weeks core , learn something new everyday on here :P

No problem, when did you feed last? If you have not fed for a while and your regularly scheudled feed is upcoming and no amber then yes feed again once and then start the flush the first sighting of the amber trich. Even if it's a day or two after you feed start flushing once you see the amber because from then on you have 7-10 days left before the trichs amber up all the way.

Now I will say this that I have read through a few different threads and some auto strains will not ever get to 70% amber(this is also why I think some folks use the leaves to determine when to harvest) SO if you havent seen any amber trichs by the time the next feeding is scheduled(this would be the 2nd) then go ahead and flush her and harvest 7-10 days later.

Oh and also this is the time when you will see your buds swell up tremendously! In almost all of the plants you see grown the last 2 weeks a lot of plants can double the weight of their buds. The most exciting time I think.
Yeah that is when they pack on the poundage for sure, and yeah just keep an eye on those trichs they will tell you when you need to start giving her end of life treatments
ok so from being enlightend on here, i have gone ahead and given another nutes tea because my friend said most are milky or heading towards milky.

tea goes as 3ml M 1ml G 4ml B 2ml b-52 and a tea spoon of sugar in 1 litre of ph'd water fed complete mix

now to watch them trichs like a hawk :P
Derek, the reason I recommend the leaf color method of determining when to harvest is because many auto strains will not show amber trics. This is a well proven fact. Robert Clark Connell in his book, Marijuana Botany, describes the ambering process in detail. It's the plants self defense mechanism to protect the THC from degrading do to exposure to UV light. Many of the light sources we use to grow autos, LEDs, CFLs, etc. have little or no UV, which may be a contributing factor to autos not ambering. So recommending that the plants be harvested based on the state of the tric isn't valid with all autos. Personally I've left some go as long as 16 weeks and not an amber tric to be found. It was only through many grows, taking samples at various stages and noting the corresponding condition of the plants that I was able to formulate what I feel is a simple method that is easy to understand for new growers. If you haven't read it yet, it's here: https://www.autoflower.org/f44/when-harvest-autos-your-leaves-will-tell-you-4889.html. This is only a general guideline. Personal preference as to the type of high/stone being sought is always the final determining factor on when to harvest.
its not just derek, blue was saying it uswell :D
but yeh i think im just gonna use this as another grow to get some first hand knowledge.
we've fed it yesterday and today we see that the top cola has grown new pistols and buddage which i thought was weird if its meant to be coming to an end soon.
but yeh we think were keep an eagle on bud formation and trichs during the next week, hope for signs of amber if not will go by color of fans leaves and if buds are still growing.
also the bottom fan leaves are completely yellow also goin dry crispy, surly this means end is near ?
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pic update of trichs please come have a look.

so here we have close of trichs. and first set of fans leaves going crispy.
what y'all think ?

here my back garden got some lil ducks :DIMAG0049.jpg
You could do with getting a little closer on the trichs, but from this view they don't look clear to me. They look mostly cloudy with a good few ambers.

I'd say you could harvest whenever your ready. :)

Get rid of those bottom dead leaves. Any dead leaves will pull away from the plant with very little effort. Dead leaves (and matter) laying around will encourage mold so it's best to get rid as soon as they're dead.

I would be on pain water feedings for another week and then harvest (this would be my call - but as muddy says, youtailor your high to some degree with the harvest so ultimately it's your best call this time, and judge the smoke by it so you know where to harvest next time!)
yeh sorry we just dont want to damaged the plant and tbh was a bit awkward trying to get those pics let alone better ones :(
and i think your seeing the amber pistols we cant find one amber trich

yeh ok will remove them asap

yeh ok too true

thanks for passing by :d5:
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I can see amber trichs as well. The leaf in the middle of the last picture shows them fairly well.