Autoflower mixed bag of problems

.....need pics for that always,....
Dolomite is the slowest acting form of lime, and if it's not near powdered, it's even slower still,... different chemistry is why vs. garden lime, oyster shell, etc.,...
...:eek1: not sure your meter is OK mate, a pot in the 3's pH would be a smoking wreckage! HAs it been calibrated recently, kept in the right storage solution, never dried out?
See spots below.

Almost all leaves have these tiny yellow spots, some are pretty nasty like this below:


Circled a leaf you can clearly see spots on:

As for the pH meter, I will calibrate it again, but nothing except soil pH has been unexpected.

Thanks again!
Currently think this might be leaf septoria, however it appears to only be affecting Gert.

Current plan for tonight:
-Check/ calibrate pH pen
-defol gert and others showing bad leaves
- disinfect room
-add layer of new promix HP to top up soil and stop spore spread.

Letting these girls dry out. Currently watering about 1L every 2 days, 2-2-2-1 mL/L of grow bloom micro calmag. Not pHing water anymore. Have had some issue with soggy soil but doesn't appear to have caused too much issue, until now...

Have limited time to get all this done tonight.
Did some defoliating and light light light LST to try to get some better airflow and remove damaged leaves.

I am hopeful that everything will turn out OK.

Bleached the walls & floor and was careful not to touch both plants at the same time. I have not seen any other "yellow spot" leaves on the other 3 plants.


Here are some (not all) of the bad leaves. I had already removed the worst ones yesterday.
Looking good! Leaves don't look bad may just be getting ready to eat them. Whole plant pic in natural light always helps though
AHHH! Leaves are curling up now.

Anyone have any input on how these are looking would be greatly appreciated. Almost day 60 now, was going start the flush next week.
