Lighting Autocobs & autos in a 2x4x5 space?

Oct 9, 2018
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3BOG, 4AM, Sour crack
Hello.. first post here at afn, seems like a fantastic forum. Despite being a somewhat experienced grower, a lot has changed over the years I see.. LED is now a thing and so are autoflowering strains. These will both be new to me. Initially I thought I’d return to this hobby using photos, hps lighting & a separate veg space but I’m wondering if perhaps these autocobs are the way to go?

Some specifics: space is a huge issue- I have a 4x2 space that is 5 feet high.. I’m hoping that autoflowers are happy with being scrogged (specifically, Pineapple Express and girl scout cookies from fast buds). Having never grown anything except a lot of photo clones, I’m not sure what to expect. I’m also concerned with the low height.. would I be wrong to think that I could get 2 autocobs in the 4x2x5 ? From what I’ve read photo strains might be more forgiving on intense close up light but I had already decided to grow autos & those are the seeds I have

I was thinking 2, maybe 3 plants... with just 2 autocobs ? I really want to try the autocobs because I’m in a warm climate and I know what temperatures I’ll be dealing with in that space with a hps light. I’m also limited on power consumption and already have to shut my a/c off when I cook so I don’t blow a fuse.. and the power draw and efficiency of these lights just has my full and complete attention.. I just keep seeing th heights people post that they are to keep their lights away and when I add up the space for a 2 or 3 gallon fabric pot, plus the size of the light sitting as high in the tent that it can go... it just doesn’t look like I have much height to work with

I’d really like to make a decision by the end of the week either way and thought why on earth don’t I ask these more experienced folks what they think ? If I did do 2 cobs I wouldn’t be adding the second cob for a few weeks anyways because I’m on a pretty strict budget. I’m also not sure if 1 cob would be too much for the seedling to 1 week old stage ? Would I want to dim that or go buy a CFL for the first week of growth ? 55 Watts doesn’t seem like much but these lights look bright and that’s putting it lightly
would I be wrong to think that I could get 2 autocobs in the 4x2x5
I grew three strains when in my last 2x4 tent. Also when you next buy seeds, look specifically for the shorter size strains. Srog would work well in there. You should be able to find info on shorter strains in here as well.
I have six Autocob lights and am very happy with them. For seedlings I set the Autocobs at 30". Lately I have been letting the plants grow to the lights. I've gotten as low as 10" from canopies with the lights. Hope it all works out with whatever you choose to do.
Thanks for the response!!

How many autocobs did you use on those 3 strains?
How many gallons were the pots?
Did you have any issues with working with the height restrictions ?

The 4x2 space is a little awkward but I’m restricted with a low ceiling
I use a 2x4x5 tent as my main space. I have 2 autocobs that grow two plants (in 4 gal pots), or 4 plants (in 2 gal pots), in that space. One autocob will be enough for your seedlings. If you plan to do a true scrog, then I'd go with two plants in 3-5 gal pots. And I don't know if a way to dim the autocob.. Even so, at 55W I can't think of a reason to.
Welcome to afn. Excited to see your first post here.

The key will be setting the scrog and working the plants. A good friend of mine pulled 3.25 lbs on a single photo that was only 2 1/2 feet tall. It also hung well outside the 4x8 rack it was in. I’d set the scrog at the max height and keep bending and tying till it stops growing. I’d also cut off any branches below the scrog or branches that won’t produce well for you. Selective pruning

If you plan on upgrading your space in the future this wouldn’t make sense but I do a have another wattage option you could consider. Same exact light but a 40w version instead of 60w. I’d recommend 3 cobs for the space at 40w or 2 at 60w. The benefit of the 3 would be a better coverage, less intense and a bit better penetration. The down side would be it’s an extra light to purchase.
Thanks to everyone who took the time out to give me their input; I really appreciate it!

@BigSm0, Do you build 40 watt autocobs also? I would like to eventually upgrade the space, although it may be a good 6 months until I can! I’m hoping that I could, providing nothing huge goes wrong, get a decent yield with 2 autocobs. I have a feeling 3 autocobs at 60 watts would really be pushing it with only 5 feet of height.. but I bet 3 autocobs has a good yield potential! I can’t grow year round where I am at but I’m hoping that 2 or 3 cycles in the 4x2 will set my better half and I up with the meds we need.

For nutrients I have fox farm ocean forest & perlite. I did use it years ago with good results but I’m not sure how autocobs and especially auto strains are going to do with this type of soil. For the first round I’ll be using it for sure because I already have some but the next round I’ll probably try something different. Does anyone have some good suggestions on an idiot proof low budget nutrient plan for the last weeks of flowering? I don’t know that the fox farm nutrients will provide for the entire grow and I’ve been seeing that some of these amazing gardens with autocobs in them are making some beautiful hungry plants
Thanks to everyone who took the time out to give me their input; I really appreciate it!

@BigSm0, Do you build 40 watt autocobs also? I would like to eventually upgrade the space, although it may be a good 6 months until I can! I’m hoping that I could, providing nothing huge goes wrong, get a decent yield with 2 autocobs. I have a feeling 3 autocobs at 60 watts would really be pushing it with only 5 feet of height.. but I bet 3 autocobs has a good yield potential! I can’t grow year round where I am at but I’m hoping that 2 or 3 cycles in the 4x2 will set my better half and I up with the meds we need.

For nutrients I have fox farm ocean forest & perlite. I did use it years ago with good results but I’m not sure how autocobs and especially auto strains are going to do with this type of soil. For the first round I’ll be using it for sure because I already have some but the next round I’ll probably try something different. Does anyone have some good suggestions on an idiot proof low budget nutrient plan for the last weeks of flowering? I don’t know that the fox farm nutrients will provide for the entire grow and I’ve been seeing that some of these amazing gardens with autocobs in them are making some beautiful hungry plants

I don’t think you’d have trouble with fox farm alone. You will need an additional calmag suppliment on top of their bottles. Many have switched to greenleaf nutrients and the results seem to be much better than anything else I have used in my time. Megacrop is their main nutrient and a very simple one part. Some add their additions but the owner of the company says none of them are needed outside calmag. It’s also the least expensive I have seen too.

As far as the cobs go I do sell the 40w but do not list them. For the space you could either go with 2-60w or 3-40w. Either way would work. The 40w would be a bit more even and a bit less likely to get light stress. The 60w would be cheaper up front.
Right on... what you’re saying makes 100 percent logical sense. I’m finding it hard to retrain my brain to see lights as “less Is more” probably because I’m used to 60 Watts /square foot being absolutely mandatory for a decent yield. And probably because until I started to really research LED lighting (and discovered this little autocobs) I was totally going to be sticking a 600 watt hps in that 4x2! It blows my mind that instead I’m considering three 40 watt lights. I guess a lot has changed huh?

What’s the difference in price between three 40 watt lights and two 60s?

I’ve been seeing a lot of amazing results with people using this megacrop.. do you just water feed with it on like a peat based soil-less mix?
Right on... what you’re saying makes 100 percent logical sense. I’m finding it hard to retrain my brain to see lights as “less Is more” probably because I’m used to 60 Watts /square foot being absolutely mandatory for a decent yield. And probably because until I started to really research LED lighting (and discovered this little autocobs) I was totally going to be sticking a 600 watt hps in that 4x2! It blows my mind that instead I’m considering three 40 watt lights. I guess a lot has changed huh?

What’s the difference in price between three 40 watt lights and two 60s?

I’ve been seeing a lot of amazing results with people using this megacrop.. do you just water feed with it on like a peat based soil-less mix?

I think the important thing with autos is the wattage has been tried and tested. I do speak about the dli fairly often. To some it’s just noise but to thousands of others they are really saving on energy. You can grow with the bigger lights and still do fine but it’s really not needed. I tried this for a long time. Wattage, wattage and more wattage. I had big cob lights and mars hydros stuck between them and cfl’s all around. They vegged great, unfortunately the final buds were burnt brown resin-less hay balls. :rofl:

A big part of the lower wattage is the lights efficiency and efficacy. Less wattage and more light, a light and spectrum that works perfectly and lights that are lighting the plants as you want them to vs just lighting a space. People also give light to much credit. I know that sounds weird but our eyes see light differently than plants do. Light loses intensity as it travels and also as it hits surfaces and is redirected. This is a big part of why the cobs being directional make a bigger impact. This is real. Meanwhile there are companies still competing for the biggest panels and most wattage. Like a d..k measuring contest. Lol Personally I think it’s more fun to see how low we can go. I’m at 11 watts per square foot now and Dabber just pulled nearly 22oz from a single autos around the same wattage. Results NO ONE can despute.

Another thing... we just met and I’m happy for this. Please don’t take my text wrong. I just try to be real and on the same level as everyone else. My lights are just better but I’m still like everyone else here.
I was explaining some of this to my better half and it looks like I got the green light (lol green light) to use a different space for this which is not much bigger but I can have more height. So it looks like I might be able to do a 36x36x72 space. I’d still have to start out with just 1 light but I’d be able to add another every other week assuming I find them in stock & they aren’t selling like hot cakes but it looks like they do so I’ll just cross my fingers

So do things look any better in a 3x3 scenario with 72 inches of height ? The other location is still more convenient ...but not by much. They also have 32x32x63 which would work so much better but I can’t find any of those tents any higher than 63 inches. (and 60 inches in the 4x2 is basically the same situation)

In a 3x3 with 72 inches, would I still need to scrog or maybe other lst would be enough? I like the 3x3 because I like the idea of 4 plants with 4 autocobs.. I already have 5 gallon pots actually, would those work in this slightly roomier set up ?

I’m almost 90 percent sure I might go with this instead of 4x2 Because just having 60 inches of height to work with might be difficult. a foot doesn’t seem like much but I feel like it would make all the difference. And I’d be able to eventually have 4 autocobs in the 3x3 and I feel that my goals would be easier to meet with 4 autocobs .. Thoughts?
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