Dutch Passion AutoBrooklyn Sunrise, AutoColorado Cookies and AutoWhite Widow in a SCROG under GN LED

Aug 19, 2013
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I started a new grow a couple of weeks back, figured I'd try some of the american genetics this time. I'am also doing an AutoWhite Widow, haven't tried that one before. Big thanks to @DutchPassionTony and the DP team for the seeds for this grow.


The setup will be as follows:
Tent: 60x60x120cm (2x2x4 ft) Homebox XS
Fan: TD silent 280/380m3/h running at 150V
Filter: Carbon active 300m3/h
Light: GN MS0006 with 6 rebel modules. 20/4 Light schedule.
Soil: BioBizz Light-mix in 8L smart pots (gronest brand) with ~30% perlite mixed.
Nutrients: Canna rhizotonic root stimulator, TNT complex(veg), bloom complex and phosphorus plus. Additionally I'm adding some Bionova microlife (contains beneficial microorganisms) and some GHE mineral magic (basically just a silicon additive). Will be using Canna mono Mg or Botanicare Cal-mag throughout the grow.
SCROG net with 5cm squares

I put the seeds directly into soil, 1 AutoBrooklyn Sunrise, 1 AutoColorado Cookies and 1 AutoWhite Widow. It took 4-5 days for the seedlings to pop up. I started them on water and Mg 1ml/l from day 1. On day 8 I added in the Rhizo, on day 12 I added in 1/5 veg nutes and on day 15 they got 2/5 veg nutes.

They look to be a little on the small side so far, not sure why. I hope they take off soon. I just upped the light from 60W to 120W.

Here's a quick recap of the grow so far:

Day 4

AutoBrooklyn Sunrise


AutoColorado Cookies


AutoWhite Widow


Day 8

AutoBrooklyn Sunrise


AutoColorado Cookies


AutoWhite Widow


Day 12

AutoBrooklyn Sunrise


AutoColorado Cookies


AutoWhite Widow

Day 16

That recap bring us to today, day 16. I just raised the light a little and flipped it from 60W to 120W. They've been a bit on the slow side so far although I haven't changed anything in my setup. I had the light a little high in the beginning but only by about 7-8 cm. Hopefully they'll take off soon so I can put the screen in and start some scrogging. Normally I put the screen down around week 3, might be a little later this time, we'll see.

AWW in front, ABS in back left corner and ACC in back right corner.


Looking very nice Budster you got some great strains here. Subbed bro

Subbed my friend.

looks promising man, subbed would love to see what the AWW can do

Subbed up. Great start with all of them bro!

Thanks for the comments guys and thanks for joining in!

I gave them another watering today with Rhizo, 2/5 veg nutes and 1ml/l Mg. They each got 1l, that should last them about 3 days.
Day 20

They've started taking off and grew significantly in the last 4 days. The AWW is still a bit on the small side but it looks healthy so perhaps it's just a late bloomer. They all showed pre-flowers around day 18. I put in the screen today and I took the opportunity to switch places of the ACC and AWW. Since the AWW is looking a bit smaller I put it in the upper right corner, which tends to get more crowded as the screen fills in. So final positions are:

AutoBrooklyn Sunrise - upper left corner
AutoWhite Widow - upper right corner
AutoColorado Cookies - lower right corner

I'm training the ABS to go towards the front of the tent as it's looking the most stretchy it has the best chance of filling in the lower left corner. The AWW will also go toward the front and the ACC will go right to left. The light is running at 120W and is 39cm above the screen.

Before SCROG




Day 24

The ACC and ABS have really started to stretch, the AWW has reached the screen but is still on the small side.

I'm watering with 2/5 veg nutes, Rhizo and 1ml/l Mg, 2l per plant.


