Indoor with Autobeast 2018 autobeast, how to grow a perfect healthy auto. start to finish

Indoor growing with Autobeast 2018
good day growers. so this new thread i will explain exactly what i do to grow a perfect healthy auto. and show that less is always best. alot of growers ask how i achive great healthy plants. so i will share with u all. to start off il just be stating what to use and when. and as time goes on pics of plants i grow and info will continue to be posted. as always all questions always welcome, always happy to help, so here we go,

the most important thing of ur grow is ur medium. this is were ur plant spends all of its life. so always do ur research. i use biobizz lightmix. absolutley amazing stuff, designed to and does keeps itself in perfect ph range. and is designed to work best with ph perfect feed. combine the 2 and magic will happen. true;)
so if u got ur biobizz lightmix ur good to go.
next u want to buy some decent fabric pots, great for a fast growing plant. great drainage and airiation to ur roots. 3 and 5 gal fabric pot will grow u a big auto;)
so u fill ur fabric pot up with biobizz lightmix. then i soak the mediun of each pot with 2., 1.5 litre bottles of water, containing 2ml of dutch pro take root and 2ml dutch pro mutli total in each bottle. so in total each pot gets soaked 3 litres;)
then drop in your bean as best suits u then into the tent, and wait for its head to pop above ground;)

all my plants get now is plain tap water when needed for the first 3 weeks of life. the soil does everything for you. in 3 weeks ul have a beautiful healthy plant for sure.
so my feed i use is ph perfect. advanced nutrients sensi grow and bloom, sensi calmag. and mollases for late bloom;)
so at 3 weeks of age my girls get there first feed of veg. 2ml of a and b sensi grow to 1.5litre of water. each plant gets its own bottle every feed time. il now feed each plant twice a week every 3 days.
and every week i bump the mls up 1 ml per week until im at 5ml of a and b.
also always plain water inbetween feeds very important for key health of ur ladies. il feed with veg until i see stretch has stopped so only about 2 weeks of veg feed then onto bloom.

when i start with bloom feed sensi bloom. straight in at 5ml of a and b. i also start with sensi calmag at 1.5ml per bottle. mix it into the feed. again feed every 3 days twice a week always plain water between feeds. keep doing this and the job is done. when u got full flowers maybe 3 week before harvest. add a few dripples of mollases here and there into the bottles of feed makes buds super frosty, works a treat.
here some pics of my current auto grow. to show how my combinations and methods grow a perfect healthy auto everytime. and prove less is always best;) the 3 small plants at the front all still on plain water;)
well thats all for now growers. all questions welcome as always;)
happy growing every1 :pass::pass::salute:
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I use 5ml per 1.5l of water, mix the molasses with warm water to dissolve it from day 21 and feed once a week. I always use water that’s at room temperature, your girls will love it. You can also use molasses as a foiler spray at 15ml per 5gallon for bugs. Oaksterdam university has done shed loads of research on it just google Oaksterdam+molasses
Wise work;)happy growing every1;)
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Hey Beast! Finished this thread, Thanks for sharing all of your knowledge. So much help for a new grower like me! I’ve got a WW auto that 14 days old. Will end up in a 3 gallon pot primarily outside. Had to start in a smaller pot due to the space I have inside. Started in FFOF but I have some Biobizz light on the way as I am going to try using your method of feeding, etc as best I can. Do you think it’s a good idea to transplant into Biobizz with it currently in FFOF? Any other pointers on what I might need to adjust being primarily outside? Again @autobeast, your willingness to take the time and share all of your knowledge is commendable!
Thankyou sir.this thread will never be will live on and on.all u fine folks eager to learn will keep the thread flowing.and u see now alot of growers now see and are using my methods.with amazing great to see.everything in this thread is the truth and nothing but the truth.always get haters.but im here for the love of the plant.and its been my pleasure and always will be to share and show the true auto limits.beast is back now with another grow.more history to be made. Update soon.happy growing every1;)
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@autobeast hi mate hope your well thanks for the knowledge was wondering would this work with biobizz all mix got all the nutrients but picked up all mix instead of light mix
Always use fresh.the soil is the most important part of ur grow.happy growing every1;)
Thanks. I was told else where on here that you can reuse it. Just hit it with real growers recharge first. So I'm going to attempt to reuse it after a good flush then recharge the soil. If it doesn't work I'll buy new soil.
And possibly start feeding nutrients lightly from the start. I feel it will work and plan to attempt it. Will let you know my results. I got plenty of seeds if it fails. Lol if not then well both know if it works or not :)
Thanks. I was told else where on here that you can reuse it. Just hit it with real growers recharge first. So I'm going to attempt to reuse it after a good flush then recharge the soil. If it doesn't work I'll buy new soil.
Hey if u dont try u dont know,so.good job I wish u all the bestim.not saying its not possible.just saying from my grow auto needs to best from start to finish for true potential. So its always fresh for me.happy growing every1;)
@autobeast hi mate hope your well thanks for the knowledge was wondering would this work with biobizz all mix got all the nutrients but picked up all mix instead of light mix
Hi there and always welcome.many growers have lots of success with allmix .i think ul be just fine.happy growing;)
Thankyou sir.this thread will never be will live on and on.all u fine folks eager to learn will keep the thread flowing.and u see now alot of growers now see and are using my methods.with amazing great to see.everything in this thread is the truth and nothing but the truth.always get haters.but im here for the love of the plant.and its been my pleasure and always the share and show the true auto limits.beast is back now with another grow.more history to be made. Update soon.happy growing every1;)
You started this thread from me asking questions. I got sick of hydro and wanted to try soil and I liked what I seen you doing. So now I'm back at it in biobizz light mix but I'm rocking mega crop 2 part. Only other thing I did different. I'm having success. I dont mind adjusting ph. I loved what I seen from the mega crop growers on here so I tried that. But you helped me and so many others by sharing how you get down. Thanks so much!
You started this thread from me asking questions. I got sick of hydro and wanted to try soil and I liked what I seen you doing. So now I'm back at it in biobizz light mix but I'm rocking mega crop 2 part. Only other thing I did different. I'm having success. I dont mind adjusting ph. I loved what I seen from the mega crop growers on here so I tried that. But you helped me and so many others by sharing how you get down. Thanks so much!
Haha so very glad u manage to switch to soil.and dude u gota use advanced nutes to see the magic of lightmix.combine the 2 just amazing.ur not there yet haha.very good job sir and always welcome.happy growing every1;)