for the cost of them I'd hope they would be twice as good, but I'm highly doubting i'll get 3+ gm per watt under cobs to justify the cost of them. Really i'm not under all led at this time, more of a hybrid type led/hps/led, well thats what I call it...I really do find hard to believe them will out grow my current setup and I mean dollar for dollar cost... I couldn't have 4-55w cobs for what I paid for my setup...and like I said 1.56gm per watt with current setup. so see why I have hard time with the cost thing...I know it's not all lights that give the beautiful plants, much of that grower experience & genetics also.. But I'd really love give them a go and see if they can live up to hype, I think I can be very good judge of that, with my consistent grows..