Auto Warriors Do...Platinum Tom Interview part two

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i have one question Tom. BTW thaks for your time here again today :D but I have heard many state LED's dont pull stuffs from the plant/soil,yet I have a lesser brand of LED and its gotten weaker over time and all the lights seem to work and I also run T5's.. and compared them since allof the plants were on the same regime mostly. but the LED's were running significantly yellower ,and even boosted the calmag and some teas too.still was stressing them yellow. was wondering what causes this in some LED's.. Thanks again Tom

I've starting hearing more and more about calmag def in plants under LED's. From what I understand that it is because the lights run too bright! When seeing any plant stress we always recommend raising the panel slightly and keep your nutrient regime in check. You should experience much light depreciation with our led, but every light has some.

Thanks for the question @Eyes on Fire happy to be here!
Platinum Tom..great to Meet you..I'm Aunty Mossy....:bighug:

I just want to Introduce you to arty zan..arty is the new Mod/manager on the LED section.

He has an Absolute Passion for Lighting..I Think you two will get along..
If there is anything you want to change or See on LED Section to make life asier..arty is your man..:headbang:

Cheers Mossy..:toke::frog:
@PlatinumLEDTom hey, thanks for coming back for round 2.. I don't have any questions for you today. But I would like to say, I've been watching the test grows with your panels and the plants look real happy. That says alot right there.
@PlatinumLEDTom ! :bighug:
@PlatinumLEDTom you are really cool and we all love havin you here in LS!!!!!!!!!!

What are your thoughts about giving autoflowers a "rest" period? What I mean is there are lots of varying schools of thought on what light SCHEDULE to use when it comes to autos. Me I run em 24 hours start to finish, the little fuggers in my opinion don't need no stinking rest, they need to GROW hahahahaha! I am just curious what the thoughts are from the lighting side of the argument
Platinum Tom..great to Meet you..I'm Aunty Mossy....:bighug:

I just want to Introduce you to arty zan..arty is the new Mod/manager on the LED section.

He has an Absolute Passion for Lighting..I Think you two will get along..
If there is anything you want to change or See on LED Section to make life asier..arty is your man..:headbang:

Cheers Mossy..:toke::frog:
Pleasure to meet you @arty zan Look forward to working with you!
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