Auto Warriors Do..George from The Vault for the CannaZone.

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Gotta run warriors! Thanks George
George, many of us who love certain breeders are always looking forward to new releases... do you get any sort of pre-release scoop on them?
Late but here..... Hi all....
@George Seeds

Is there a slow down in new seed breeding companies, coming to the market or are there more everyday?
there seems to be more everyday outside of Europe. I think this is because most of the well established heavy hitting well known and trusted breeders in Europe discourage new breeders and because there hasnt been significant changes legally over here recently it has kind of hit an equilibrium.

outside of Europe, particularly in the US where laws are changing, there seems to be lots popping up all the time as people think its an "easy" business and are trying to get into it but i think in reality its not as simple as just breeding a few strains and selling seeds. People expect seeds to be reliable and want solid details on the specifications and it takes a lot of work to build up that consumer trust and so on.

Our own purchasing department are fairly rigourous in their decisons on who we stock and bring onboard which i think is part of our strength overall.
George, many of us who love certain breeders are always looking forward to new releases... do you get any sort of pre-release scoop on them?
yeah, sometimes we know well in advance what the breeders are planning, and sometimes things dont make it as far as general sale for various reasons.

We have quite a few new strains and breeders we will be getting onto the website over the newxt few months and part of our ongoing plan is making this a more streamlined process moving forward as we want (and should) be getting these released to you quicker
Thanks for the answer George!
One US Seed Company that has been around for ages is BOG Seeds (Bushy Old Grower) I'd love to see a UK distributor as the only place they are available is at the Seed Boutique!
Ahhh, but are you allowed to "leak" the info? :rofl: ..anticipation--sauce for the goods!
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