Auto Warrior Do..Tina from MarsHydro Live Interview.

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Hey Tina,

soooo sorry. I only just got back home. I so wanted to say Hi and enjoy your interview. I will scroll back and enjoy it later. I hope the Stoners & Auto Warriors have treated you well.

You are a brave lady putting yourself on the line like this. I do hope you enjoyed the experience and will come back and do another one some day.

I take my hat off to you.........great job girl...............eP.

Sorry, tried to quote you there but somehow lost that bit. Hmmm. Still finding my way around.
If I join in, I'll get lost in lumens, tj max's, heatsinks and lenses, and I'm still struggling to deal with my hermied blueberry cheese I discovered this morning ... and it's potential consequences.
Another time?

Pollinated Bud UK :(
Yeah,we can find another time
Hey Tina,

soooo sorry. I only just got back home. I so wanted to say Hi and enjoy your interview. I will scroll back and enjoy it later. I hope the Stoners & Auto Warriors have treated you well.

You are a brave lady putting yourself on the line like this. I do hope you enjoyed the experience and will come back and do another one some day.

I take my hat off to you.........great job girl...............eP.
ee gads he lives!

Bonne soirée à vous monsieur pingouin

For those of you who don't speak french i'll translate "Good evening to you mister penguin".
You have 50 pieces stateside? What do you think AFN? Should we try to talk @MarshydroTina into letting our CannaZone testers test out a grow bar light or two? Put a on good test and a legit review? Haven't seen a lot of spotlight on those bars Tina and we've got a good track record here! :pighug: :vibe:

What do you guys think? :cheers:
Welcome to be our grow bar tester
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