Auto topping thread,pushing the auto limits;)

Good day growers im a master photo and auto grower.but my passion is with autoflower seeds.i been on a mission for 5 years growing now trying diffrent methods of training on autos to see what they truly behold.truth is autos aint no diffrent to a normal plant other than they flower on there own.u can top lst supercrop and defol autos with monster results if done at the correct time.oviously every plant is diffrent so always use the seed info as a rough guide;) and a short plant can yield just as much as a tall plant;) in this thread i will show u all along the way of the true limits of autos and there true potential as i grow them for u all to see;).also if ur an auto grower who likes to push the limits,do speak up and all pics of ur autos and talk and all questions welcome on pushing the auto a few examples of the results achived topping an auto young followed by later lst.few heavy defols along the way ,gives u an army of dominant colas and a big heavy yield.and a beautiful is automazar topped and lstd;)
This thread is absolutely brilliant! I liked it so much that I have just signed up to the site!

AutoBeast, you're killing it ,man! I've always wondered about topping autos, with the little experience I have with growing them(which is just few outdoor grows the past three years and a couple indoor grows like 6/7 years ago), I did a small amount lst on a auto white widow xxl by Dinafem, which without a doubt helped. I kinda wish I had topped it now looking back.

I am currently trying to get a new grow going indoors, it'll be just one plant at a time as I am very limited with space as I am using a PC case to grow. so lst and topping will be a must for me and the fact that I 'll be using a 4 litre pot will keep the plant small - hopefully not microscopic haha which can happen with autos.
This thread is absolutely brilliant! I liked it so much that I have just signed up to the site!

AutoBeast, you're killing it ,man! I've always wondered about topping autos, with the little experience I have with growing them(which is just few outdoor grows the past three years and a couple indoor grows like 6/7 years ago), I did a small amount lst on a auto white widow xxl by Dinafem, which without a doubt helped. I kinda wish I had topped it now looking back.

I am currently trying to get a new grow going indoors, it'll be just one plant at a time as I am very limited with space as I am using a PC case to grow. so lst and topping will be a must for me and the fact that I 'll be using a 4 litre pot will keep the plant small - hopefully not microscopic haha which can happen with autos.
welcome jim and thanks so much. if my thread made u sign up to afn that is awsome. so thanks, and ur in the perfect place,, afn a great place to be. autos do enjoy been pushed to there limits for sure. when u start a journel be sure to tag me or drop a link here. il be very happy to follow along and help anyway i can. well good day every1 and happy growing;)
so how to top an auto refresh for every1 interested and still abit unsure how and when to top an auto. 14 to 20 days of life the perfect time to top an auto on the 4th or 5th node. and make sure ur autos are in perfect health no defiencys, as need to be perfect for the best plant growth. so these 2 girls are dinafem, bluecheese autos. topped today at 14 days old. il let the pics do the talking. and all questions welcome.ok plant 1.
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and plant 2
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and we have 2 topped auto ladies
View attachment 943515 let grow now for 6 days, alot of growth will happen in this time ul see. happy growing every1;)

Have you had any success to root those tops as clones?
good day growers. i will say this. i dont undersand why this thread is not stickied anywere?? also this thread should be in the, autoflower myth busters section, and help growers guide section. but staff have never seemed to be on point. i have asked staff a few times for this thread to be in the correct places for growers to find it easier and for the love of autos. but still nothing? il keep doing what im doing for sure. for the love of afn and autoflower seeds. happy growing every1;) :pass::pass::salute:
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Have you had any success to root those tops as clones?
forbidden welcome. yes u can sucessfully clone the top. of an auto. and will grow but nothing as big as a normal girl. iv never finished a clone. but have let them grow into the flower phase and looked abit dodgy. so got scrapped. was just a self experiment.if i had more room. maybe id do it again and fully flower 1 out. but yes it can be done;) happy growing
Great thread @autobeast ive read the whole thread through over the last couple of weeks. Thanks for putting it out there!!
blackanwhite welcome. and thanks. reading every page. respect. but u will have absorbed alot of info. top work and happy growing;)
good day growers did update yesterday with pics but seems to have vanished. these pics taken yesterday day 35 of life. 5 weeks old. as u can see topping and lst, ing has proved wonderfull for blue cheese autos.big beautiful girls.everything going perfect so far, bang on track budding strong and frosting up, cnt be bad. vertical growth has stopped and they sit at a managable 3 ft tall. nice. and buds are some pics;)gota love autos;)
happy growing every1 ;) :pass::pass::salute:
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