Auto topping thread,pushing the auto limits;)

Good day growers im a master photo and auto grower.but my passion is with autoflower seeds.i been on a mission for 5 years growing now trying diffrent methods of training on autos to see what they truly behold.truth is autos aint no diffrent to a normal plant other than they flower on there own.u can top lst supercrop and defol autos with monster results if done at the correct time.oviously every plant is diffrent so always use the seed info as a rough guide;) and a short plant can yield just as much as a tall plant;) in this thread i will show u all along the way of the true limits of autos and there true potential as i grow them for u all to see;).also if ur an auto grower who likes to push the limits,do speak up and all pics of ur autos and talk and all questions welcome on pushing the auto a few examples of the results achived topping an auto young followed by later lst.few heavy defols along the way ,gives u an army of dominant colas and a big heavy yield.and a beautiful is automazar topped and lstd;)
Very welcome.ur topped girl.if u top her then gna let grow she will still grow tall strain be ready for that.upto u
If u later lst her.choice is yours.all fun and games.appreciate u doing this pushing the auto limits for all to see on this thread much respect.ul.soon see for urself autos aint as fragile as every1 thinks and says;) happy growing every1;)
What happens if you accidentally fim a plant instead of topping ?
What happens if you accidentally fim a plant instead of topping ?
Youre joking right! FIM = Fu@# I Missed. If you do it right you get 4 main colas, if you top it at the fourth node you get 8.
What happens if you accidentally fim a plant instead of topping ?
Iv never fimmed a plant mate so arnt sure.something diffrent will happen though good luck;) just top her properly under the next lower the 3rd node will give u 6 main colas and if u later lst u can create more main colas;)
Youre joking right! FIM = Fu@# I Missed. If you do it right you get 4 main colas, if you top it at the fourth node you get 8.
Man haha;)We all make mistakes bro.iv never messed up a topping but when i started growing i couldnt even keep a plant healthy.all trail.and error until u become a master;) look me now 6 years later.and all u growers wanting to push the auto limits and try my methods is awsome much respect;) a mistake now will make u a better grower later true;) happy growing every1;)
Man haha;)We all make mistakes bro.iv never messed up a topping but when i started growing i couldnt even keep a plant healthy.all trail.and error until u become a master;) look me now 6 years later.and all u growers wanting to push the auto limits and try my methods is awsome much respect;) a mistake now will make u a better grower later true;) happy growing every1;)
Very true words mate, much respect [emoji108][emoji111][emoji106]

Good day growers 3 days the taller girls at the back 33 days old today,nearly 5 weeks old.both these girls got a very heavy defol yesterday morning and all bottom growth removed.for good airflow around my girls and for big buds.i always do this at preflower stage after stretch;).the girl back right is shooting up and is now as tall as her sister quite cool.then the topped then lstd girl upfront 27 days old today,4 week old tmz.she has a light defol also yesterday morning to allow middle growth to see the sky.worked a treat as always;) these are some great autos to grow.she is full of colas shooting for the light she is gna be something special.all in perfect health and growing fast;)
happy growing every1;)
Good day growers 3 days the taller girls at the back 33 days old today,nearly 5 weeks old.both these girls got a very heavy defol yesterday morning and all bottom growth removed.for good airflow around my girls and for big buds.i always do this at preflower stage after stretch;).the girl back right is shooting up and is now as tall as her sister quite cool.then the topped then lstd girl upfront 27 days old today,4 week old tmz.she has a light defol also yesterday morning to allow middle growth to see the sky.worked a treat as always;) these are some great autos to grow.she is full of colas shooting for the light she is gna be something special.all in perfect health and growing fast;)View attachment 813834 View attachment 813836happy growing every1;)
in your experience do sativa or indica take more stress topping and general torture or just the same ive mainly grown indica as of yet but after this one im thinking of running some haze ect
in your experience do sativa or indica take more stress topping and general torture or just the same ive mainly grown indica as of yet but after this one im thinking of running some haze ect
Dont matter if ita indica or sativa.if the bean is strong then topping it aint gna bother the plant 1 bit;) happy growing.;)
Sorry beast been offline phones been in for repair haha funna get a update up soon for yah haha big bertha is budding away haha lovveing it

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Sorry beast been offline phones been in for repair haha funna get a update up soon for yah haha big bertha is budding away haha lovveing it

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
Welcome back mate.phones they can be cunts.been there done that a few times.its not nice not been able to get online and vibe with ya bros;) :pass::pass::salute::welcome: