Auto topping thread,pushing the auto limits;)

Good day growers im a master photo and auto grower.but my passion is with autoflower seeds.i been on a mission for 5 years growing now trying diffrent methods of training on autos to see what they truly behold.truth is autos aint no diffrent to a normal plant other than they flower on there own.u can top lst supercrop and defol autos with monster results if done at the correct time.oviously every plant is diffrent so always use the seed info as a rough guide;) and a short plant can yield just as much as a tall plant;) in this thread i will show u all along the way of the true limits of autos and there true potential as i grow them for u all to see;).also if ur an auto grower who likes to push the limits,do speak up and all pics of ur autos and talk and all questions welcome on pushing the auto a few examples of the results achived topping an auto young followed by later lst.few heavy defols along the way ,gives u an army of dominant colas and a big heavy yield.and a beautiful is automazar topped and lstd;)
What day do your plants normally flower when you top? I'm day 30 still no flowering.

I'm not sure topping slows them down but I'm not sure it doesn't either. I got a bit antsy waiting for mine to show a pistil. Seedstockers said it would flower by day 25, then they told me 30 for sure, showed it very first pre pistil at day 34 but it ended up being 40 days till it began flowering.
See, this is something I'd like to have a definitive answer for.
Can you extend the veg period for an auto?
I reckon you can like. When I grow in NFT, autos are double transplanted using grow cubes for airprooning, then topped by day 17 and given an extremely hard life. Lots of defol all the way through veg and bloom, supercropping, lst and literally a bit of punching about. I call it fisting for colas lol.
That gives me an average of 49 days before pistils.
I done some blue dream autos in coco which I treated the same and they went 45-56 days before pistils.
I just done a round of autos though where i put seed into coco after 4 days in a root riot and they averaged 20-25 days and finished at 3-4 oz. Couple of them a but smaller.
Would take too much for me to figure out which part it is that seems to be prolonging the veg but when I'm getting as little as 2 oz from letting them go natural and as much as 22oz from abusing them it's pretty hard to ignore the fact that something is making them live longer.
She looks sweet mate. Somethings off a little with your feeds though. You ph'ing it and checking the run off? Got a wee bit lock out by the look of it.

You should not use run-off for PH testing is is notoriously inaccurate. You need to test the PH at the root zone using an Accurate 8 soil probe. The symptoms you are seeing may be related to the color of the light more than a plant problem. You need to take diagnostic pictures under 5000K light. A simple CFL or LED bulb on the end of an extension cord works well.
Ha! I didn't mean to post the full diary entry here :crying:

I thought I'd posted in my own diary, then looked later and it wasn't there.

She looks fine when she's not under the quantum board so I don't think there's lockout.

Thanks for the advice

I'm not sure topping slows them down but I'm not sure it doesn't either. I got a bit antsy waiting for mine to show a pistil. Seedstockers said it would flower by day 25, then they told me 30 for sure, showed it very first pre pistil at day 34 but it ended up being 40 days till it began flowering.

Thanks! I'm not impatient because longer veg means better yields..
See, this is something I'd like to have a definitive answer for.
Can you extend the veg period for an auto?
I reckon you can like. When I grow in NFT, autos are double transplanted using grow cubes for airprooning, then topped by day 17 and given an extremely hard life. Lots of defol all the way through veg and bloom, supercropping, lst and literally a bit of punching about. I call it fisting for colas lol.
That gives me an average of 49 days before pistils.
I done some blue dream autos in coco which I treated the same and they went 45-56 days before pistils.
I just done a round of autos though where i put seed into coco after 4 days in a root riot and they averaged 20-25 days and finished at 3-4 oz. Couple of them a but smaller.
Would take too much for me to figure out which part it is that seems to be prolonging the veg but when I'm getting as little as 2 oz from letting them go natural and as much as 22oz from abusing them it's pretty hard to ignore the fact that something is making them live longer.

Wow that gives me a good feeling.. like u said all previous autos I grew flowered day 17 or 19 when the plant o my had 3 to 4 nodes.. I topped her with only 2 stacks of nodes... didnt seems to matter because with the new tops I'm getting side branching like a moto that in bending over into main tops.
I'm wondering if this has to do with me finally using veg blooms rather than bloom all the way
Amazing stuff! How often do you guys defoliate? My Sour livers is extremely bushy and leafy.. does pulling g higher up fan leaves as opposed to lower ones make a difference?
Also when is the best time to clear the lower level of the plant to allow more nutes for us up? When flowering begins?
Thanks folks

