Auto topping thread,pushing the auto limits;)

Good day growers im a master photo and auto grower.but my passion is with autoflower seeds.i been on a mission for 5 years growing now trying diffrent methods of training on autos to see what they truly behold.truth is autos aint no diffrent to a normal plant other than they flower on there own.u can top lst supercrop and defol autos with monster results if done at the correct time.oviously every plant is diffrent so always use the seed info as a rough guide;) and a short plant can yield just as much as a tall plant;) in this thread i will show u all along the way of the true limits of autos and there true potential as i grow them for u all to see;).also if ur an auto grower who likes to push the limits,do speak up and all pics of ur autos and talk and all questions welcome on pushing the auto a few examples of the results achived topping an auto young followed by later lst.few heavy defols along the way ,gives u an army of dominant colas and a big heavy yield.and a beautiful is automazar topped and lstd;)
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Does anyone know what the issue is here? Plants are day 59 buds coming on nicely. Leaves started turning funny orange red colour last few days?

We would need more info to make any kind of judgment as to what causing the issue, like what nutrients, medium, strain and breeder, also ph of feed and ph of runoff. You could check out the plant infirmary and post a thread there or check out some existing threads. More pics will help too and try take any pics of sick plants in natural lighting, like standard white LEDs or fluorescent as it will make it many times easier to diagnose.

Here's a link to the infirmary
This is a very well put together chart of deficiencies
That one helped me a lot, but it can be hard to make the connection between what's happening to your plant and whats shown in deficiency charts and available online, in that case I would make a post in the plant infirmary section, there are lots of people that are around to help you there. I got help there with my first grow, and I had my issue sorted in a couple days thanks to the people that were around. Hope that helps a bit :thumbsup:
This thread is awesome.. I just accidentally topped my plant on day 17.. meant to bend it over but it pulled the third node off accidentally.. I have a pic of it in my grow journal

The plant is average speed i think, not as fast as some plants i see on here, hoping all will be well because i added an extra light in my tent. Hoping to prolong the veg even though its an auto.. i used a modified lucas formula with only bloom nutes, switching back to veg next feed
Hi folks. Wee update on the topped HSO blue dream for you.

Shes now at day 38 and still on grow nutes and still stretching. Thinking I'll switch to bloom nutes at day 40.



Any really appreciated. Especially to do with the switch to bloom.

This is my sour livers about 5 or 6 days from topping.. it's a squat plant so csnt do much lst.. trying some leaf tucking


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@autobeast, here’s a couple in 5 gallon soil bags that you helped me top at day 20 but they haven’t really gotten as big as I would have hoped. These pix are from today, day 37. They’ve never shown and sort of stress of deficiencies and look healthy but just haven’t really gotten very big; and growth has slowed or stopped (it seems) since they started flowering. Especially the Auto Ultimate, which I had high hopes for

DP Auto Ultimate - longest branches are about 12” long.
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Dinafem XXL Cheese Auto
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Here they are side by side. Ignore the remnants of the plant in the middle.
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Is it possible they’ll continue to stretch or are they going to just put on flower from here on out? Both are supposed to be known for getting big and I can’t think of what I may have done/not done to not have them grow bigger.

Here are a couple CBD strains that are at 21 days, in 5 gallons of soil (each) and they’re exactly true same size as the 2 plants above were at day 21. I topped 1 yesterday and am letting the other go, just to see if the topping is what’s causing the smaller size for me. Then I’d know I’m doing something wrong with the topping somehow. I KNOW it’s me and not the methodology. Just trying to figure out how to get close to your results.
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Hey buddy just had a look through and you don't seem to have had a definitive response so thought I'd give it a bash incase anyone else is wondering.

From my experience topping autos the key is in the timing. If you want them to keep going full tilt, I find the best time to top is at the 4th node. You gotta get it while it's still small though. As in when the 4th node is barely a bud just chop it off straight away . Causes almost zero damage and the lowers explode straight away.
If 4th node is there by day 14 your going full steam and it shouldn't slow them down at all. If it's not there by day 17 then they're iether not growing propperly for some reason or its just a small strain that should be left alone. Every time I've topped outwith that window it's stunted them. Every time inside has worked out well.
I also wouldn't advise topping in autos in soil. Some guys can do it with great success but for most of the less experienced guys it just doesn't work. There's a lot more skill involved with growing big plants in soil as apposed to hydro.
hydro grow methods offer accelerated growth over soil so they tend to be much bigger and can put up with a lot more abuse.

Hope this helps. Keep it green folks
Beast, I haven't gotten noticed for this. Glad I decided to look you up, and all is good. Nice harvest there, my friend!

We were pretty close to harvesting similar strains. Here's my topped Purple Stilton from Autoseeds.
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looks superb mate whats the cross on the purp stilton ?

